Ages: 6-1212529 viewsView DetailsView

I'm Free

Goal: the Chanichim should understand that real freedom doesn’t mean doing whatever you want and having no physical limits. The real freedom is about controlling yourself in a way that makes your soul and spirit free.

Ages: 12-186159 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-1520470 viewsView DetailsView


Goal:  To examine the concept of z’chira as it derives from TaNaCH and how collective memory shapes us as a nation

Ages: 10-176165 viewsView DetailsView

Mono- Pessach

Bnei-Israel were in the desert for 40 years. They walked, and walked, and walked until they arrived to Eretz-Israel. In this Peula we are going to share the same experience of a journey

Ages: 10-124465 viewsView DetailsView


The Center for Religious Services in the Diaspora
Education kits for download:

Tu Bishvat kit Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English

Recommended Links

Pesach-Judaism 101
Pesach-Judaism 101
Information about Pesach and "Lel Haseder" Translation to English of the "Seder's" songs + files of the songs
Jewish Freeware For Pessach
downloadable games and hagadda for pessach
Kosher 4 Passover
Kosher 4 Passover
A lot of games for Pessach and for the seder itself A lot of information about the 10 makot and Pessach in General... Movie Clips, Jokes and more *On the home page there are a lot of links for games and information