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Yom Ha'atzmaut Remembrance And Renewal

The chanichim should leave the sicha understanding

(1) The power of Yom Ha’atzmaut – how all these different Jews came together to fight as an Am and why it was it was so important for the Jews in 1948 to have an independent Jewish State.

(2) The battle for Yom Ha’atzmaut applies to us today and we can only truly appreciate geulah by looking at Yom Ha’atzmaut as part of a cycle of Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZicaron.

Ages: 9-126110 viewsView DetailsView

Remembrance And Renewal-yom Ha'atzmaut (sicha...

The chanichim should leave the sicha understanding

(1)   The power of Yom Ha’atzmaut – how all these different Jews came together to fight as an Am and why it was it was so important for the Jews in 1948 to have an independent Jewish State.

(2)   The battle for Yom Ha’atzmaut applies to us today and we can only truly appreciate it when looking at it as part of a cycle of the hardships of Jewish History (Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZicaron).

Ages: 12-145349 viewsView DetailsView

Remembrance And Renewal-yom Ha’atzmaut (peula...

The chanichim should leave the sicha understanding

(1)   The power of Yom Ha’atzmaut – how all these different Jews came together to fight as an Am and why it was it was so important for the Jews in 1948 to have an independent Jewish State.

(2)   The battle for Yom Ha’atzmaut applies to us today and we can only truly appreciate geulah by looking at Yom Ha’atzmaut as part of a cycle of Yom Hashoah and Yom HaZicaron.

Ages: 8-126550 viewsView DetailsView

The Yishuv - During The Shoah


1. You will begin to understand the difficult position the Yishuv faced during the Hitlerian period.

2. You will learn about the efforts made by the Yishuv to save the Jews of Europe.

Ages: 11-184009 viewsView DetailsView

The Holocaust And The State Of Israel

Aims of the meeting

To look at reasons behind anti-Semitism

To link the Holocaust to the creation of the Jewish State

         To examine the value of independence.

Ages: 9-184628 viewsView DetailsView

Anti-semitism And The Holocaust


1. You will begin to understand the nature and uniqueness of the Holocaust.

2. You should be able to begin to understand the enormity of the "war" against the Jews.

3. You should begin to understand that the Shoah was perpetrated by human beings - normal people who were fathers, mothers, architects, lawyers, engineers, doctors, church-goers, cultured people.

Ages: 8-189204 viewsView DetailsView

Shivat Tzion- The Return To Zion


1. You will gain some understanding of the history of modern political Zionism

2. You will begin to realize the hardships and challenges which faced the pioneers in

Palestine from the turn of century to the mid 1900's and their dedication to overcome these obstacles.

3. You will begin to understand that

Israel was not created in a day by the UN, but was really established through the sacrifices of those who came in response to the Zionist dream.

Ages: 12-185387 viewsView DetailsView

Living With Dignity In A World Gone Insane


1. You will learn that resistance during the Holocaust took many forms.

2. You will develop an awareness of conditions under which resistance is feasible.

3. You will study what types of resistance took place and where.

4. You will learn of the conditions under which survivors lived, and how incredible any resistance at all might have been.

5. You will understand the obstacles to Jewish resistance during the Holocaust.

6. You will be able to use your March experience, to cite specific instances of heroic resistance by Jews during the Holocaust despite incredible odds.

7. You will be able to respond appropriately to the accusation that Jews went to their death like "sheep to the slaughter."

8. You will understand and be able to support the position of "Survival as Resistance."

9. You may redefine what the word "resistance" means to you now.

Ages: 13-184918 viewsView DetailsView

Yom Hashoah- Testimony

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Ages: 13-147573 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-1813772 viewsView DetailsView

Yom Hashoah V’hagevurah

Topic: Remembering Yom Hashoah V’HaGevurah

Ages: 9-146278 viewsView DetailsView

The Human Spirit In The Shadow Of Death

To acknowledge the self-sacrifice and generousity that the Jews maintained during the the Holocaust, despite the dangers and constant threat of death.

Ages: 12-183936 viewsView DetailsView

Holocaust Pictures

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Ages: 8-1004684 viewsView DetailsView


To give the chanichim a taste of how the Holocaust felt like

Ages: 9-145008 viewsView DetailsView

Are You A Good Jew?

To explain to your chanichim that it is not one characteristic that defines a good Jew, but there are many different types of Jews and we can’t really judge which is the best. There is no the best Jew! BUT the many different types of Jews all contribute to the idea of the Jewish identity.

Ages: 4-65753 viewsView DetailsView

The Ghetto- Story & Dillemas

1. You will be able to explain the role played by the ghetto in the scheme of Hitler's Final Solution.

2. You will be able to describe life and death in the ghetto.

Ages: 15-208567 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-10013181 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-10010431 viewsView DetailsView

Asara Btevet Tekes

Teach everyone why we have 10th Tevet and why we fast.

Ages: 6-207218 viewsView DetailsView

10th Tevet

Why do we have asara btevet? Beyond that, why do we have to fast?

Ages: 8-136344 viewsView DetailsView

Souviens Toi De Ce Que T'as Fait Amalek

Réfléchir sur  la mémoire et ce que ça veut dire souvenir.

Savoir pourquoi il est important de se souvenir.

Apprendre qu’on est obligé de se souvenir d’Amalek, et de ce qu’ils ont fait.

Ages: 8-167392 viewsView DetailsView

Les Guerres D'israel

Le message à transmettre :

Notre objectif est que les ‘hani’him apprennent sur les différents conflits militaires auxquels Israël a du faire face dans son histoire.

Parler aussi des particularités de l’armée Israélienne.

Ages: 8-145193 viewsView DetailsView

La Galout

·        Expliquer l’alliance entre ä' et àáøäí àáéðå.

·        Définir ce qu’est la âìåú et expliquer les différents avis sur la âìåú

Expliquer que nous sommes dans le processus de délivrance et que les enfants d’ àáøäí retourne sur leur terre

Ages: 8-153844 viewsView DetailsView

La Guevoura

BUT : Comprendre ce qu’est la guevoura, et qu’elle doit se faire quotidiennement

Ages: 10-165813 viewsView DetailsView

Movies About The Holocaust

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Ages: 10-10032767 viewsView DetailsView