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Carrying A Weapon Into A Shul

To learn and discuss wether one is allowed to enetr a shul with a weapon - an important question for soldiers and the civilisation in Israel today who carry guns with them 24 hours a day.

Age: 17-198777 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Age: 8-148681 vuesView DetailsAffichage
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Age: 10-5013345 vuesView DetailsAffichage

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A short movie, information about Pessach, all kinds of articles about freedom and others topics (related to Pessach), games, stories, "Hilchot Pessach", recipes for Pessach and more...
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
ICMIS is launching an international campaign to gather at least 1,000,000 signatures on an Internet petition in support of Israel's kidnapped and missing soldiers and their families.