Peulah For Shabbat Parashat Korach

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Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English

Ans 8 - 14

Taille du groupe 10 - 50

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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Peulah for Shabbat Parashat Korach.doc (26 KB)

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Goal: The point of this Peulah is to teach the children about peer pressure, not because it has anything to do with the parsha necessarily. You should talk about peer pressure while at the same time stressing the importance of Israel and other things. If you don’t know how to, just make something up the kids will have no idea.

Matériel requis
Materials: "pee your pants" scene (script) from Billy Madison

Contenu de la ressource



-         Teach them what peer pressure is, how it can be positive and negative. Stress the negative because that’s all that anybody pays attention to anyways.


-         Give the kids an example of peer pressure that they can relate to. Sure you can do what happens when your friends tell you to ditch a Peulah but it would be much more fun to take a scene out of the hit motion picture Billy Madison. (Act it out!!!)


-         The scene is when Billy and his third grade friends find themselves on a field trip at a farm. Billy’s friend Ernie seemed to have an accident in his pants and he was ashamed because he’s a big kid and big kids don’t usually urinate their pants. Billy, being the older one went over to the fountain and put water on his own pants and told everybody that it’s cool to pee their pants. Then all the other kids saw that Ernie also peed his pants and the kids all peed their pants as well. 

-         While on the subject of peer pressure talk about drugs and how they are bad for you and how drugs are not tolerated in Bnei Akiva.

-         You shouldn’t put the idea of snif right in their face. When someone goes through the backdoor into a house, clearly they don’t want anybody in the front to see them. Therefore they sneak into where ever they are going, sneak the idea into their minds with out shoving it down their throats. Go backdoor in the peulah.

-         One thing you don’t want to do is over do something because as funny as it is it gets boring after a while; therefore don’t talk about the peer pressure thing too much. So when you see that the kids know enough about peer pressure move on to something else. My suggestion is Zap Zorch. It has never happened in all of my life that Zap Zorch has been over played.

-         “ Of course I pee my pants everybody my age pees their pants it’s the coolest” – Adam Sandler in Billy Madison

-         Remind them that it’s cool to pee your pants.

-         Say something nice about Israel. Tell them to visit or move or give money.

Shabbat Shalom










Suitable for Shabbat

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