Parashat Mishpatim - ôøùú îùôèéí

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Type de ressource: Debat dans: English

Ans 10 - 16

Taille du groupe 10 - 57

Temps estime: 45 minutes

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Parashat Mishpatim


What justice system this represents? What do you really do?


*"åàìä"  What is the letter "å" stands for? 


* Dilemma:

   Joe-Moshe’s Donkey has a lot of stuff on him, and only your friend Moshe is there to unload the donkey- he needs help… suddenly you notice near by your heated neighbor Rami with his donkey. Rami is trying to load Jack (his donkey) and needs help as well.

What do you do? Who to help first? Why?

                                                                       Rami’s Donkey.    Moshe’s donkey

·                            åéëúåá îùä àú ëì ãáøé ä"What did Moshe write?

·                            Which thief will get a death penalty, the one who comes at night or he who comes in the middle of the day? 








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