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Alter: 10-504034 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Dereh Eretz

Message à transmettre :

Montrer l’importance de travailler sur ses midot pour être dans la voie du dereh eretz, dans le but de mieux faire les mitswot, de mieux être en cohérence avec soi-même, et de mieux servir D.

Alter: 8-147980 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Snakes And Ladders: Israel Is Alive And Well ...

This booklet is a suggestion for a short activity that is aimed for gaining basic information about Israel. We chose three of the themes that will appear in the game.

Preparing the students for the activity is very important. Playing the game will be easier and much more fun when the students know what they are asked about…

You can add some more activities or give your students a brief explanation about the other subjects in the game. Which are –

1.      Israel wining Olympic medals.

2.  Famous people in Israel, such as prime minister Ariel Sharon, David Ben–Gurion

3.  The wars in Israel.

4.  Operation Entebbe 

5.  Israelis and the Olympic games in Munich 1977

Good luck!!!!!!

Alter: 10-183373 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
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Alter: 10-10010854 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


Empfohlene Links

An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Oach- Tu Bishvat
Oach- Tu Bishvat
The education of goverment made a fantastic site. with Tu Bishvat Seder, Pics, songs, Mitzvot about eretz yisrael etc.