- 1 December, 1973 (6 Kislev, 5734): David Ben-Gurion-yahrzeit
- 11 December, 2005 (9 Kislev, 5766): prof' Yisrael Robert John Aumann-nobel price
- 12 December, 1995 (19 Kislev, 5756): Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neria-yertziet
- 16 December, 1922 (26 Kislev, 5683): Eliezer Ben Yehuda-yertziet
- 17 December, 1937 (13 Tevet, 5698): hazofe-becoming a daily newspaper
- 27 December, 2008 (30 Kislev, 5769): 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict
- 28 December, 5763 (23 Tevet, 2002): Noam Apter in Yeshivat Otniel
- 29 December, 1901 (19 Tevet, 5662): established-Jewish National Fund
- 31 December, 1888 (27 Tevet, 5649): Samson Raphael Hirsch-passed away
L'importance Du Nom
Le message à transmettre :
En quoi un nom est-il important ? A vous d’expliquer à vos ‘hani’him son importance. Chacun de nous a un nom ou un surnom qui est le sien : c’est une particularité de notre personne qu’il ne faut pas mépriser.
Alter: 8-15 | 7789 Ansichten | Aussicht |
Israeli Cities-be’er Sheva
Teach about the significance of Be’er Sheva, the need for water in Israel, and making the desert bloom
Alter: 8-14 | 15571 Ansichten | Aussicht |
Kibbutz Galuyot
Goals: Convey the importance of Israel being a place for Kibbutz Galuyot and a place for all Jews.
Alter: 10-18 | 4193 Ansichten | Aussicht |
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How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it
Pesach-Judaism 101
Information about Pesach and "Lel Haseder" Translation to English of the "Seder's" songs + files of the songs
Information about Pesach and "Lel Haseder" Translation to English of the "Seder's" songs + files of the songs
the cyber home of Torah-Sukkot
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2 short film on the Arba Minim