
Comics for Pesach

a nice comics for Pesach with games

Alter: 8-128659 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Short Article
Alter: 12-1004263 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Kibbutz Galuyot--ethiopian Aliyah

To teach about the struggles of the Ethiopian Aliya, and a little about Aliya in general.

Alter: 9-128604 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Tishrey Trivia

30 Q about Tishrey & the holidays

Alter: 10-144083 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Shirat Devorah

Backround: Since there are many different ways to present and teach this Perek and so many different things to focus on, I included a lot, but you guys can choose which of these aspects you want to discuss in your shiur.

Goals: Chanichim will understand the messages and the various themes in Shirat Devorah, why Devorah sings Shirah after this battle, and why we should sing Shirah in general.

Alter: 12-165054 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


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Banim - Israeli MIA
Banim - Israeli MIA
info about the Israeli MIA
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kef kef kef
This website has been created to enable youth groups from around the world to have a central place in which to store, collect and share games. The goal of the games is to unify the children. Examles for games; beat it, samurai, concentration and more.