Knowledge About Tu Bishvat - קצת ידע על ט"ו בשבט

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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age: 6-18
Group Size: 5-50
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Goal

Goal:the chanich will gain more information about the holiday by a game.

Resource Contents
Tu B’shvat This Peula is suitable for all ages. Choose the parts and questions that are relevant for your chanichim. Goal:the chanich will gain more information about the holiday by a game. Steps: 1. clues – the 7 spices. 2. game 3. a Zionist date 4. summary 1.Clues – the 7 spices: devide your chanichim into a few groups. give each group a clue – the answer is one of the 7 spices.ask each group what was her answer and what is the connection between all the answers. 2. Bingo/Tic-tac -to: prepare bingo boards for each the riddles and let the chanichin mark their square in a creative way (Shabbat). Riddles: 1. My oil was used to lit the menorah in the temple in chanucka. (olive) 2. I don’t need a lot of water,so I can live even in the fields of the negev. (barley) bishvat is called ___________ lailanot =trees. (rosh hashana) 4.”TU” refers to the ________ day of shvat (15) 5.we are made out of dry grapes (raisons) 6.the first wineyard in the bible was planted by (noah) 7.the first tree mentioned in the bible (eitz hadaat) 8.a different for tree in Hebrew (ilan) 9. the insitute that is in charge planting trees in Israel (keren kayemet leisrael) 10. the prophet micha says about days of peace: “and each man will sit beneath his grapevine and his ________ tree and no one will fear”(fig) 11. some people say I have 365 fruits, exactly like the number of mitzvoth in the torah. (pomegranate) 12. bread is made out of me (wheat) 13.under which tree did yonah the prophet sit ?(kikayon) 14. Under which tree did Dvorah the prophet sit ?(alon) 15. A school in Toronto that has the word tree in it. (eitz chaim) 16.who was ILAN ramon – was he a tree? (the first Israeli astronaut)? 17.what is the bracha we say on a banana? (“בורא פרי האדמה”-because it grows on a bush) 18.if you plant a new tree, after how many years can you eat the fruit?(5) 19.they year we are not supposed to work,plant or enjoy fruits (shanat shmita) 20.which Israeli institute whas established on tu bishvat?(the Knesset) שירת העשבים/נעמי שמר דע לך שכל רועה ורועה יש לו ניגון מיוחד משלו. דע לך שכל עשב ועשב יש לו שירה מיוחדת משלו. ומישרת העשבים נעשה ניגון של רועה. וכשהלב מן השירה מתמלא ומשתוקק אל ארץ-ישראל, אור גדול אזי נמשך והולך מקדושתה של הארץ עליו. ומישרת העשבים נעשה ניגון של הלב

Resource Comments

This Peula is suitable for all ages. Choose the parts and questions that are relevant for your chanichim.


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