The Global Bnei- Akiva

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Resource Type: Peula in: English
Age: 8-13
Group Size: 5-30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes

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Resource Goal

To teach the chanichim about global Bnei- Akiva and to show them that each country and each snif may seem different, but underneath the language and culture barriers we all work together for the same goals and ideals… Aliyah, Torah, teamwork.

Required Props & Materials
- Map
- Cards with names of countries
- Ruler
- Bag with random items (for France representation)
- Places and Pictures of Israel on separate cards

Resource Contents

The global Bnei- Akiva


To teach the chanichim about global Bnei- Akiva and to show them that each country and each snif may seem different, but underneath the language and culture barriers we all work together for the same goals and ideals… Aliyah, Torah, teamwork.



1.                 Each chanich gets a name of a country. They have to put cards on the right spots on the map.

2. You now have a list of part of the countries that Bnei- Akiva has snifim in.

    In each country there’s a game to play with the chanichim:

Africa- Tell your chanichim to name an animal for each letter in the ABC.

France- Try to build the Ayfel Tower out of the contents in the France bag. 

England- Sit in a circle. Pass around the ruler. Each chanich has to guess what it is. Some of the answers will be right and some will be wrong. The chanichim have to find out the rule. Because we are in England the rule is manners, which means – you are right if you say thank you.   

Russia- Tell your chanichim Menachem’s story (attached).

Israel- Match the name of the place to the picture.

Switzerland- Eat the chocolate..

3.                 Ask your chanichim what the countries above have in common?

Since this is a Bnei- Akiva peula- the answer, obviously, has something to do with Bnei- Akiva…  

The answer is---- the places above (and many more) have Bnei- Akiva snifim in it.

4. Explain to your chanichim that eventhough we are all different. We have different cultures, language ext. Bnei-Akiva brings us together, we all believe in the same ideals and we do all that there is in our power to fulfil our goals.

 Sometimes it may seem that we are working alone and that Bnei-Akiva is a small [but very successful…] youth group but that is not the case we are a worldwide movement and all combined we are “GLOBAL BNEI-AKIVA”.



Shabbat –Shalom

Hadas and Rachel.

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» All > Bnei Akiva > General

» All > Bnei Akiva > Bnei Akiva Snifim around the world

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