Bear Hunt
Group Size:
Estimated Time:
TYPE: Moderate
The leader instructs the players to repeat whatever s/he does or says immediately after s/he does it. The leader begins by slapping one knee after the other, to simulate a walking rhythm. The leader says the following:
1) Want to go on a bear hunt?
2) All right
3) Let's go
4) I see a wheat field (put hand to forehead, then resume slapping).
5) Can't go over it
6) Can't go under it
7) Guess I'll have to go through it (stop) slapping - players rub palms together to simulate that sound, then resume slapping).
8) I see a swamp
9) Can't go over it
10) Can't go under it
11) Guess I’ll have to go through it (rub fingers against teeth and blow).
12) I see a river
13) Can't go over it
14) Can't go under it
15) Guess I'll have to go through it (make motions of swimming)
16) I see a tree
17) Can't go through it
18) Can't go under it
19) Guess I'll have to climb it (make motions) of climbing a tree, looking over it, and then descending)
20) I see a cave
21) Can't go over it
22) Can't go under it
23) Guess I'll go inside it
24) I feel something soft and furry
25) It feels like a bear
26) It smells like a bear
27) It is a bear
The speed is increased as the leader backtracks (tree, river, swamp, etc.). Then, at the end of this, all sigh.
This game is very good for young children.
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