Zionism In Chutz La’aretz - öéåðåú áçåõ ìàøõ?!
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The chanichim will realize the complexity and the different sides of the issue of who is a real Zionist. Namely, that an American sending money to support the State of Israel, though important, today may not be considered by everyone to be a real Zionist.
Trigger: The Four Faces of Israel (adapted from a sicha by Aliza Teplitsky)
Pick 4 chanichim as volunteers. Each takes the role of one type of Jew/Zionist. They are given appropriate costumes, and a brief profile of themselves.
Once they have read over the profiles, they are then brought back out in front of the group. The madrich/a then tells them and the crowd that each of the four characters were called here because they are siblings whose father has just passed away. In his will he has said that his large fortune is to be given to the child who is the most Zionist. Unfortunately he did not give a specific outline of what he would think the most Zionist person to be. It is up to the 4 children to plead their case based on their profiles of why they think they are each the most Zionist, and for the crowd to decide – who out of the four is the ultimate Zionist.
Have each of the 4 chanichim present their character, and then open it up for discussion. Which person is the most Zionist? The 4 profiles should stay in character and the other kids should ask them questions. The hadracha should act as moderators.
Challenge the kids on the questions and points they are making – play devil’s advocate. Encourage all the kids to debate this. Ask pointed questions and throw in comments to steer the discussion.
The point here is to get the chanichim thinking and talking. This has the potential to spark a great discussion here especially with the older and more mature bunks.
I. Points to bring up:
What is more important?
· Serving in the army/believing in Zionism or actually living in
- Giving money or not finding a job, but living there?
- Sending money/political support or your presence in
Israel by living there. - What you believe in your heart, or where you actually live?
- Setting a dugma (make Aliyah) or teach others but stay back in
-How much are the people who are in
-Some Rabbis do chinuch in
-Shira may not believe in Zionism, but at the end of the day she lives there! What’s more Zionist then that? (There’s an anecdote told in “To Dwell in the Palace” where a Zionist living in New Jersey calls up his sister whose Chareidi, doesn’t believe in Zionism but lives in Israel, and tells her, his son is going to Israel for the year and he doesn’t want him going to visit her because her anti-Zionism will rub off on him. She responds: “Anti-Zionism? I live in
-Interesting facts: When Ezra tried to get the Jews to return to
II. Tying it into the theme of the day:
Ask the chanichim: What if
(If one of the hadracha or one of the chanichim is Israeli ask them what they think. It’s always more powerful hearing it directly from an Israeli).
Baron de Rothschild sent lots of money that supported and sustained Rosh Pina, Zichron Ya’akov and Rishon LeTzion. Without his money and support these settlements would not have survived!!! But at the saw time the Baron called his home
Today is the situation different then with the Baron? Today can the settlements and the State of
Are Americans in chutz la’aretz who send money and visit but don’t make Aliyah real Zionists??
What is the role of American Jewry today? To give money or make Aliyah??
Firstly, there is no clear real answer. Since the four characters were very complex, probably none of them fit the chanichims sterotype of an ideal Zionist. Is there an Ideal Zionist? Unclear. Of course we want to push Aliyah but it is important to show that there are many reasons people do not make Aliyah and for them that is a valid life choice and no one choice is necessarily more Zionist than the other. This is however, only if they are doing it for the right reasons, and its not cognitive dissonance, or rationalization for not making Aliyah when the real reasoning behind their living in
Additionally, the chanichim should be rethinking the role of Americans living in chutz la’aretz and sending money and support instead of making Aliyah. Yes, support is needed, but
Finally, it’s good for chanichim to be thinking about these issues, and for them to see and hear other people’s opinions. It is an important discussion to have, no?
Good luck
Yair: You made Aliyah when you were 18 and after finishing your year of yeshiva, you joined the army. While serving you met a nice chiloni woman and soon after your service you got married. You became an engineer and moved to Tel-Aviv. Since then you have had 2 children together and have moved further and further from Judaism. Your children know a lot about the state of
Shira: You too spent a year in yeshiva and soon after returning to
Dov: You also spent a year in
Yael: You are a very successful lawyer. You decided not to go to
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