Giving To Others Not Only When It’s Comfortable - ðúéðä- ìà ø÷ ëùæä ðåç
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The chanichim will understand the importance of giving to others not only when it’s comfortable and easy for them but also when it’s hard and they need to sacrifice of ourselves for others.
Peula in memory of Rabbi Gabriel and Rivkah Holtzberg
The chanichim will understand the importance of giving to others not only when it’s comfortable and easy for them but also when it’s hard and they need to sacrifice of ourselves for others.
We tell the Chanichim that they are residents of an apartment building; each person gets a card with his\hers personality (attached are 6 characters, you can add more or give each couple one character) in a different color and the owner of the building (the Madrich) calls them all in for a meeting. He tells them that his sister, kate, with her three kids, had lived in
You then go round the room and every character has to explain to the rest who they are and the reasons why they should or should not leave. At this point there are no discussions.
The next stage is for them to decide together who should be the one to leave, the madrich should encourage a discussion between the whole group.
After they have reached a decision you take a vote. Each person gets a card in each color and has to pick up the color of the person he\she should leave and explain shortly why.
After all this the madrich poses a question- In reaching a decsision, who here thought about themselves and who didn’t think at all about themselves.
Then give out the letter written by a Gedalia Lowenstein a Shaliach Chabbad in
Talk about Chabbad and their Shlichim around the world and how they give up everything; sacrifice their own personal comfort and a normal life for others. People they don’t even know, all around the world. Years and years in distant places and hard conditions.
Also add the Holtzberg’s personal story to make it more personal and close to heart. (for more information)
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· You are an elderly women who has been living in the building for years, even before the owner came in. all your children and grand-children live away from you. Your husband died ten years ago and you are wheel-chair bound.
· You are a new immigrant from
· You are a young couple who just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. He’s four months old. Your wife is in college in her final year of learning medicine and you are a starting lawyer. You moved far away from home to start your life in the city.
· You are a family of two kids. A boy of 12 and a girl of 8. Your husband is a chef in a fancy restaurant and you work in real estate. You have other apartments in
· You are a single man in your late thirties. You’re a devoted teacher in a public school and organize activities for the children in the building every now and then. You were never married. You live for your students and for helping others.
· You are a single mom with three kids. A girl of 4 and twins of 2. You struggle to finish the month, Work in three jobs and spend all your money on the rent, the kids and babysitters. You hardly leave the building and if so it’s to visit your brothers family who live around the block in a small apartment.
A letter by Gedalia Lowenstein. Shaliach Chabbad in
I recently received confirmation that some very good people halfway across the world are dead, and I feel like it happened to me. Any peace-loving member of the Jewish community can hardly help but feel the same.
It is not that I haven't been close to terror in the past. A bus in
In their case, that meant visiting Jewish businessmen, Israeli backpackers, and the entire assortment of local and international people that make up a community. To appreciate the magnitude of this tragedy, one need only look at the terrorists' objectives. While they were certainly trying to instill terror in locals and tourists, they found time to gather intelligence on this small Jewish community center. It is neither the only synagogue in Mumbai, nor the most prestigious. They were not targeting one type of Jew, religious or otherwise. Rather, they saw that this was a Jewish hub for all. This was a place where all
Jews were welcome, without preconditions. No other reason This was not a place that was known for its politics, but rather for its acceptance of different political views. Like Daniel Pearl, the journalist, this family was killed by the terrorists for the sole crime
of being Jewish, and for no other reason.
This was what they attempted to eradicate: freedom and peace, and the right simply to be Jews. Did they succeed? Not if we use this as an opportunity to focus less on the labels that we often attach to ourselves and others, and more on the essential goodness of each other.
Here was a family that decided to be on the front lines of Judaism. They truly cared, and they proved it by the way they lived their lives. Let us honor the memory of Gabi and Rivki Holtzberg by becoming better people. And if you are Jewish, be a better Jew.
Let's focus more on the potential in each other, and less on names and borders. Let us be more open and accepting of people as individuals with limitless potential.
In the memory of the Holtzbergs, let us all make the commitment to become better people, and to never let any terrorist take that away from the world.
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