The Churban
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Why was the Beit HaMikdash destroyed?
The Churban
This topic is something that the chanichim will probably know. Even in grade three most kids have some knowledge about the Churban, so how about some trivia.
Here is a list of questions that can be made into jeopardy, who wants to be a millionaire?, trivial pursuit or just good old fashioned trivia. If you want you can ask the questions as they are, or make them multiple choice. Do not be afraid to open up a tanach (the end of Melachim Bet) and come up with some more questions on your own. This is also a great way to throw some Bnei Akiva trivia into the mix
What nation conquered
What is Bnei Akiva’s anthem? Yad Achim
Who was the King of
What is the real name of the shoe lace shirts? Tilboshet
What year was the Churban? 586 BCE
Who is Bnei Akiva named after? Rabbi Akiva
What day was the Beit HaMikdash destroyed? Tisha BeAv
How many different countries have Bnei Akiva? 28
Where were the Jews sent to, after the Churban?
What are the ideologies of Bnei Akiva? Am Yisrael, BeEretz Yisrael, Al Pi Torat Yisrael
What were the three reasons for the Churban? Avodah Zara, Murder, and Gilui Arayot (inappropriate [sexual] relations)
What are the 6 objects in the semel? Luchot, olive branch, pitchfork, scythe, wheat sheaf, ribbon
What year was the fall of
Who wrote Yad Achim? Rav Neryiah z"l
Who was the king at the time of the Churban? Zedekiah
What do the objects in the semel represent? Olive, wheat, scythe and pitchfork- Avodah/ Luchot- Torah/ ribbon- the thing that ties the two together (two being Torah and Avodah)
After the Churban who was the last Jewish leader in
Other than
or any other questions you want to add in that are connected to
Due to the fact that you were asking your Chanichim questions on various topics, they may have already lost the information they learned about the churban. When you are done playing try to review the questions pertaining to the churban. Especially important questions have been italicized and bolded. If you are able to, prizes and candy really encourage kids to get involved in the game. Because the game was trivia, there aren’t any conclusion questions. The game wasn’t to prove a point, all the information was already directly discussed in the questions.
Suitable For Shabbat
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