Assorted Relay

File details:

Resource Type: Game in: English
Age: 10-18
Group Size: 10-57
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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TYPE: Relay

The group is divided into teams.  The first player from each team starts by hopping on one foot to the finish.  He then tags the second player who runs backwards to the finish.  He then tags the third player who skips to the finish.  He then tags the fourth player who bunny hops to the finish.  He then tags the fifth player who repeats what the first player did.  This continues, repeating the different motions until the whole team has finished.  The first team done wins.


Variation:  Substitute different movements for the five listed above.

·        This can either be played in straight lines or circle formation.

·        Each player runs to his leader, tags him, and runs back.

·        Each player runs to the goal and back.

·        Each player runs with his partner to the goal and back.

·        Each player runs to the next player from his team on the other side of the room, etc.

·        Each player runs around the circle and back to his original location.

·        Last person runs to finish line while all other players shift back one seat to allow runner to sit in first seat.

·        Players remain seated and must pass object or motion to next player.

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