Mirando hacia atrás
- 6 January, 1983 (21 Tevet, 5743): establshed-Neve Dekalim
- 9 January, 1935 (5 Shvat, 5695): Kibutz Hadati movement was estarblished
- 16 January, 1948 (5 Shvat, 5708): Lamed He the convoy of the 35 brave soldiers that were on their way to Gush Etzion
- 17 January, 1991 (2 Shvat, 5751): Operation Desert Storm in Iraq started
- 20 January, 1998 (22 Tevet, 5758): Zvulun Hammer - Aזלשרש
- 20 January, 1917 (26 Tevet, 5677): Avshalom Feinberg from NILI was killed
- 21 January, 1882 (1 Shvat, 5642): Establish of bilu movement
- 27 January, 1945 (13 Shvat, 5705): The International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Quizes For Purim
חידות לפורים - מילים מתחפשות, זכר ונקבה ועוד
Edad: 6-8 | 32767 visitas | Ver |
The First Peula- Zach
The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrich
The chanich will come again to the next activity.
The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.
Edad: 12-14 | 5423 visitas | Ver |
Edad: 10-15 | 8256 visitas | Ver |
Play – Yaacov’s Dream (younger Kids)
To understand Yaacov's dreams
Edad: 8-12 | 11033 visitas | Ver |
Jerusalem- Song Sheet
שירון עם שירי ירושלים
Edad: 1-100 | 12248 visitas | Ver |
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