Tu Bishvat- Shivat Haminim - ט"ו בשבט- שבעת המינים

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Tipo de recursos: Peula Idiomoa: Ingles

Edad 7 - 11

Cantidad de participantes en el grupo 10 - 25

Tiempo estimado: 45 minutos

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Tu_Bishvat-_7_haminim-_ENG.doc (148 KB)

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Objetivo del recurso
The chanichim will learn more about the Shivat Haminim

Apoyo requerido y Materiales
·         Crowns (made of construction paper)
·         Notes with the names of the shivat haminim
·         Dice
·         Game cards (poster boards in 3 different colors)

Contenidos de los recursos
Step by step:
Opening game: The madrich calls one of the chanichim and puts a crown on his head with one of the 7 minim, the chanich has to ask yes/no questions in order to try and guess what is on his head. Once he guesses which of the 7 minim was on head, call on another chanich, put another crown on his head with another one of the Shivat HaMinim. Try to get the chanichim not to guess the rest of the minim in order of the song… (A recommended order would be: Pomegranate, fig, barley/wheat, grape juice, oil, honey (dates); otherwise you can add other fruit to make theguessing part a little harder. It is less predictable that way).
After this part the madrich places poster boarders on the floor in shape of a spiral, alternating colors. One color represents challenges, one represents the questions and the third color is just blank squares. The goal of the game is to reach the center of the spiral. As the chanichim roll the dice make sure they end up falling on the different assignments otherwise the madrich can change around the different cards. The chanichim move along on the route of the spiral and as they land on the different colors the madrich reads out of his source sheet (See below).
After the game the madrich asks his chanichim what is so special about the 7 haminim. All fruit is a blessing from Hashem, how come are we told specifically about the shivat haminim that they are the seven types of fruits and grains that are enumerated in the Torah as being the special products of the Land of Israel."
"כי ה' אלוהיך מביאך אל ארץ טובה, ארץ נחלי מים, עיינות ותהומות יוצאים בבקעה ובהר, ארץ חיטה ושעורה וגפן ותאנה ורימון, ארץ זית שמן ודבש" (דברים, ח' ז'-ח').
The Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman) teaches us that the idea of Eretz Israel is to be satisfied by little ("Histapkut BaMuat"). The case of Shivat HaMinim is very much the same. The 7 HaMinim are considered fruit that in the old days could be used all year round. The wheat and barley- are used for bread; the grapes- are used for wine. The figs- can be eaten dry, the pomegranate- can be used for a nectar drink (mentioned in Shir HaShirim), the olives- are used also for oil and the dates for honey.
Try to develop the idea with your chanichim. Question them if they think that is an important message, should that be something we learn/ take upon ourselves, how? Why?
1.       Go back one step
2.       Go forward 2 steps
3.       You lose your next turn
4.       Roll again
5.        Go back 3 steps
6.       Go forward 3 steps
7.       Switch your place with another player unless you're in the lead
8.       Roll the dice twice add up the number, and move ahead that amount
9.       Roll the dice and go back as many steps as the number on the dice
(As you get closer to the center of the spiral the tasks can get harder or if the group is older)
10.    Say all of the seven minim backwards without making a mistake, otherwise lose your next turn.
11.   Roll the dice and name within 3 sec. the corresponding one of the seven minim that equals the number appearing on the dice.
1.       How many times does the word "Eretz" appear in the Pasuk of the 7 haminim? (2)
2.       What fruit comes after the fig in the order of the passuk? (Pomegranate)
3.       How many minim are there in the passuk?(7)
4.       What is the "brach achrona" on the 7 haminim? (Mein Shalosh)
5.       What Hebrew month do we celebrate the holiday of Tu Bishvat? (Shvat)
6.       During the Tu BIShvat seder the minhag is to eat? (Dry fruit)
7.       What tree starts to sprout around Tu Bishvat in Israel? (Etz Shaked, Almond tree)
8.       Is a banana considered a fruit? (No)
9.       According to the most famous Tu BiShvat song, Tu BiShvat is the holiday of the? (trees)
Harder questions:
10.    What do you make a bracha on first- a fruit you like or a fruit of shivat haminim? (first the fruit of the shivat haminim)
11.    Which of the seven minim do you make a bracha on first? (the ones closer to the word "Eretz" 1. Olives 2. Dates 3. Grapes 4. Figs 5. Pomegranates)
12.   What do KKL/ JNF stand for? (Keren Kayemet LeYisrael, Jewish National Fund).
13.   What does the word Tapuz stand for? (Tapuach Zahav, Golden apple)
14.   What fruit did Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai live off when he was hiding in the caves? (Carob)
15.   What bracha do you make when eating a fruit for the first time in this season? (Shehechiyanu).
16.   Is Tu BiShvat mentioned in the Torah? (no)

Recursos relacionados se pueden encontrar en:
» Todo > El Calendario Jud?o > Tu BiShvat
» Todo > Judaismo > Cultura Jud?a
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