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Ve Nahafuch Hu - ונהפוכו

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File details:

Resource Type: Peula in: English

Age 10 - 14

Group Size 10 - 30

Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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VNAHAFOCH HU- Eng.doc (68 KB)


Resource Goal

GOAL-to teach the chanichim what "Vnahafoch hu” is really about…

Resource Contents

GOAL-to teach the chanichim what "Vnahafoch hu” is really about…



 1. Who am I?!  Tell one chanich to choose one character from the "Megila” , the rest of the chanichim have to figure out who he is by asking yes and no questions.


2. psychologist- everyone sits in a circle one

chanich is chosen to leave the room, while the rest of the group decide what problem they have

that the psychologist is going to have to diagnose. When the psychologist comes back to the circle he has to figure out what the groups disorder is by asking yes or no questions, which the chanichim have to answer according to their problem.     [Do not let the game go on to long ] 


3. Find your group- give each chanich an identity card, they have to figure out who they are and then find the rest of their group. (attach 1)

[An original way to divide them into 2 groups… ]


4.  What a mess!- give each group the parts of the "Megila" and tell them to unscramble it. Emphasize the fact that this is a competition between both groups.(attach 2)

For the madrichim-the right order…

18  10  14  17  11  5  1  4  12  13  15  2  7  16  8  6  9  3


5. Gamzu- read your chanichim the story about Machun ish Gamzu. (attach 3)

Ask them what is the connection between the story of “Purim” and the story, lead them to the right answer which is…

- One of the messages for us

To learn from "Megilat Esther" is that g-d has his own plan of how the world runs and that he is behind what goes on. What we see may not be what is truly happening and g-d can change everything in an instant. And we, just like Nachum ish Gamzu should look at everything in a positive way and understand that just like in the story of Purim ,when things looked so bad for the Jewish people  but in the end turned out on the best side ,g-d runs the world and every bad thing can turn out good.

Through out the whole Peula we played games and we pretended to be other people, that is part of what we call on Purim “vnahafoch hu”, which means “backwards” in remembrance of the miracle that from almost being killed we won.






Attach 1- Find your group.



I raised the queen.

I didn’t bow down to Haman.

I heard about a plot to kill the king and I saved him.

Who am I?



I raised the queen.

I didn’t bow down to Haman.

I heard about a plot to kill the king and I saved his life.

Who am I?



My uncle was a hero.

The Megila” is named after me.

My second name is Hadasa.

Who am I?




My uncle was a hero.

The Megila” is named after me.

My second name is Hadasa.

Who am I?


I raised the queen.

I didn’t bow down to Haman.

I heared about a plot to kill the king and I saved his life.

Who am I?


I raised the queen.

I didn’t bow down to Haman.

I heared about a plot to kill the king and I saved his life.

Who am I?


Attach 2- What a mess

1. המלך מגדל את המן.


10. ושתי המלכה לא מסכימה לבוא אל סעודת המלך.

2. אסתר מזמינה את המן ואחשוורוש לסעודה.


11. המלך בוחר את אסתר.

3. הימים נקראו ימי פורים בגלל הפור שהפילו.

12. מרדכי לא משתחווה אל המן.

4. כל עבדי המלך משתחווים להמן.


13. המלך מצווה להרוג את היהודים.

5. בגתן ותרד רוצים לפגוע במלך.


14. המלך מגרש את ושתי.

6. אסתר מאשימה את המן בתכנית להרוג את היהודים.

15. מרדכי וכל היהודים מתאבלים.

7. בלילה המלך לא ישן טוב.


16. המלך מגלה שמרדכי הציל את חייו.

8. המלך אומר להמן להוביל את מרדכי ברחובות העיר.

17. המלך מזמין נערות לארמון.

9. אחשוורוש מבטל את הגזירה נגד היהודים ומצווה לתלות את המן על עץ.

18. המלך עושה סעודה גדולה.



Who will pray for us?


In the neighborhood of Rabbi Zeira there lived some sinful Jews. He reached out to them and befriended them in the hope that they would repent their ways. This did not find favor with some of the other sages. When Rabbi Zeira passed away these sinners were distraught. Until now, they cried, Rabbi Zeira prayed to Heaven in our behalf but who will do so now? They took this so much to heart that they became ba'alei teshuva.




בשכונתו של רב זירא היו בריונים הללו.

והיה רב זירא מקרבם כדי שיחזרו בתשובה.

הקפידו חכמים.

כשמת רבי זירא אמרו הבריונים:

עד עכשיו היה קטינא חרוך שוקיים מבקש עלינו רחמים. עכשיו מי יבקש עלינו רחמים?

הרהרו בליבם ועשו תשובה


                   (מסכת סנהדרין, דף ל"ז עמ' א)


Attach 3- Nachum Ish Gamzo

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