Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs
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Ideas For Snif On Shabbat Chanukah - øòéåðåú ìùáú çðåëä

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File details:

Resource Type: Peula in: English

Age 8 - 18

Group Size 10 - 50

Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Goal

Goal: To teach Chanukah in a way that is fun, and uses the knowledge they have gathered at school.

Resource Contents

Peula: Each chanich receives a card listing the different station numbers and their locations. The chanichim are divided into teams of approx. 10 per team (or less depending on the size of your snif). The starting station for each group is given and the round robin begins.


Each station needs 2-4 people supervising. The stations should also be prepared to handle 2 groups at a time if things go haywire.




#1: Chidon- have a chidon covering basic Chanukah knowledge. Award a prize to the highest scoring team.


#2: Scramble key “Chanukah words” in Hebrew and English. Have the teams compete to unscramble them


#3: Singing: The team must sing and act out two well known Chanukah songs.


#4: Menorah making: Each team must build a menorah with cups and paper plates- 8 stacks of cups, each stack 10 cups high.


#5: Halachic case study- the teams are given halachic cases, and need to find the answers in the Shulchan Aruch.


Any others you come up with…



 Tchuparim!!! (in Hebrew- ö'åôøéí).

What are these things, I hear you ask? ö'åôøéí  are little cards or gifts that madrichim give their chanichim at the end of a peula or snif, something small and cute that the chanichim can take home, and remember the peula and/or the madrichim with. They can be little cards, toys- just something somewhat personal that can be given out, at a relatively low cost. Examples of ö'åôøéí are included here- just photocopy, cut and give out to your chanichim. The first week they might throw them out, but eventually they’ll start the love ‘em. It helps to attached it to candy at first!!

                                 Shabbat Shalom!

                      Thanks for coming-

                       see you next time!


                   Love, your madrichim!

Another idea is a cute poem or short story…the internet is an amazing resource for stuff like that. Just google it!











Resource Comments

Snif on Shabbat Chanukah should be special, to shake things up a little. Instead of following the regular snif format, consider the following. Alternatively, make a Chanukah party on a different night of the week for the snif kids, and have food, candles etc.

Related Resources can be found under:
» All > Games > General
» All > Jewish Holidays > Chanuka