- 2 November, 1917 (17 Cheshvan, 5678): Balfour Declaration of 1917
- 4 November, 1995 (11 Cheshvan, 5756): yahrzeit of Yitzchak Rabin
- 7 November, 1944 (21 Cheshvan, 5705): Execution of Hannah Szenes
- 9 November, 1938 (15 Cheshvan, 5699): Crystal night
- 9 November, 1952 (21 Cheshvan, תשי"ג): Chaim Waizman
- 11 November, 1945 (6 Kislev, 5706): Yehoshua Hankin-yertziet
- 21 November, 1984 (26 Cheshvan, 5745): Operation Moses-Mivtza Moshe
- 28 November, 1933 (10 Kislev, 5696): Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein-yertziet
- 28 November, 1961 (20 Kislev, 5722): yachin operation
- 29 November, 1947 (17 Kislev, 5708): November 29th-Establishing a state
- 29 November, 1947 (17 Kislev, 5708): 1948 Arab-Israeli War
But :
Faire comprendre aux Hanihim que l’assimilation commence par un acte minuscule…
Par exemple des juifs qui se sont attablé lors du festin chez Ahachvéroch et qui n’ont fait que boire un petit verre de vin en compagnie des perses.
Age: 9-16 | 4235 vues | Affichage |
Age: 0-0 | 11715 vues | Affichage |
Age: 13-20 | 3624 vues | Affichage |
Age: 7-18 | 5186 vues | Affichage |
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This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games
This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
Pesach-Judaism 101
Information about Pesach and "Lel Haseder" Translation to English of the "Seder's" songs + files of the songs
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