peoula (activite)

Israel = Trees

המטרות : א. להפגיש את המשתתפים עם מדרשים הקשורים בפרות הארץ.

ב. להביא לחשיבה על הקשר שבין עם ישראל לארץ ישראל בדרך יצרתית.

Age: 12-157863 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

Migdal Bavel

1. To learn the story of the

Tower of


2. To think about the dispersion of the Jewish people today

3. To consider what linked us together in the past and continues to bind us together today

Age: 6-136150 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Age: 10-182286 vuesView DetailsAffichage


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Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
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Diffrent quiz about Israel
Happy Birthday Israel
Happy Birthday Israel
Birthday card for Israel & trivia game
OU- Rosh Ha'Shanna
OU- Rosh Ha'Shanna
All the explanationes about prayers, audio, movie etc.