Dear Rina - øéðä äé÷øä- àú ëîòè áú 16
Type de ressource: Histoire dans: English
Ans 10 - 18
Taille du groupe 10 - 58
Temps estime: 45 minutes
Dear Rina,
You’re almost 16! Do you realize you’ve lived nearly a ¼ of you’re life?
For an insect, that live only a-few days’, his life probably seams so long. Maybe for that rezone we think we have a whole eternity of life. People don’t live forever and we should put the days of our lives into the best possible use. We should try to live life to its fullest! How to do that? I can’t answer you, if I would have known half of the puzzle of life would have been solved.
I just know that I don’t want to reach a certain age, look around, and suddenly find out that I created nothing, that I’m just like millions of people,that run around like insects and accomplish nothing. They leave after them a new generation that duplicates their own meaningless life.
Do you remember the song “IF” by Rudeard Kiplling?
“If you can fill the unforgiving minute
with 60 seconds’ worth of distance run,
yours is the earth.”
Because every moment contains seconds, and smaller parts and we mustn’t let any second. vanish without meaning. I must feel certain that not only at the moment of my death shall I be able to account for the time I have lived; I ought to be ready at every moment of my life to confront myself and say –“this is what I have accomplished…
Miss you,
I would like to go to… I would like to rest. I would like to yell at someone. I would hit someone. I would ask forgiveness from many people. I would thank my parents. I would play music. I would paint. I would do “tshuva” I would do banjy. I would do things that I am scared to do. I would give “Tsdaka”. I would watch more T.V. I would talk more on the phone. I would put more efforts on school. I would be nice to my brothers and sisters. I would learn ‘TORAH’ I would go to baseball games. I would move to I would help old people
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