Happy Birthday-bnei Akiva - éåí äåìãú ùîç- áðé ò÷éáà

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The Chanichim should learn basic and important information about Bnei Akiva and identify and understand a bit more about Bnei Akita’s values and ideals.

Matériel requis

Birthday stuff, ABC with questions (see below), important landmarks in Bnei Akiva history

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1.                  Start celebrating a birthday. At first don’t say whose birthday it is. – Bring in a cake, and other different birthday equipment. After you sing a bit (try to get the Chanichim to sing) and the Chanichim ask who is the party for, tell them Bnei Akiva has a birthday today.

2.                  How did it all begin, who started everything, where did it all happen, why and what is Bnei Akiva… - to learn all the answers we’ll play a birthday game according to the ABC. Put all letters in hat and let the Chanichim pick out a letter. Each letter has a question and some info.

You can give out a candy or other snack for knowing the right answers.

A- Age. What is the age of Bnei Akiva?     ()

C- how do we call the participants in Bnei Akiva? (Chanichim)

E- what grade were the first Bnei Akiva Groups? (Eighth grade)

J- where did the first Shabbat Groups take place? (Jerusalem)

M- how do we call the leaders of Bnei Akiva? (Madrichim)

N- the year Bnei Akiva was established (1929- …)

R- who is Bnei Akiva named after? (Rabbi Akiva)

S- what was Rabbi Akiva’s profession before he became a rabbi? (Shepherd)

T- the SISMA- of Bnei Akiva (Torah Avodah and Aliyah)

Y- the first line in the “Bnei Akiva Song” (Yad Achim Lachem Shelucha…)           (you can sing it with your Chanichim)

We thought it is enough.  If you have more questions, as usual, feel free…

3.                  Every Chanich will get an important landmark in Bnei Akiva’s history, and they’ll have to get organized, standing according to the order of events.

                               ? Years ago there wasn’t any youth movement for the religious-Zionist youth.

                               On 1929 Yechiel Eliyash decided to create that kind of a movement.

                               The chosen name was Bnei-Akiva –named after Rabbi Akiva.

                               A group of 8th graders from Yerushalaim established Bnei Akiva.

                               The first Snif was started in Yerushalaim.

                               Harav Neriya wrote the Bnei-Akiva anthem.

4.                 Ask the Chanichim to repeat on the Bnei-Akiva’s SISMA- “Am Yisrael B’Eretz Yisrael Al Pi Torat Yisrael.” While showing them the eternity triangle.

If you want:

Give them few options for the meaning:

a.                   learn Torah all day , work in the evening and think about Eretz-Yisrael

b.                  Live and work in Eretz-Yisrael according to Torat Yisrael

c.                   Live in Eretz Yisrael.

d.                  Work for the whole day in Eretz-Yisrael and read in the Torah in the evening.

(And the answer is……B)

5. Conclusion:

Explain the idea of Torah, and Avodah- work doesn’t necessarily mean growing crops and going to the office. It is that as well, but not only. It all so means to be active people. People that care for our friends, and do something for that. People that care for our country- and act. Doing everything out of and according to torah and because God wants us to do so. We can be lowers as well, but ones that don’t lie and are strait people. This kind of life can be lived only in Israel. A place were the leaders and the people are Jews. The land promised by Hashem!!!

                       73 Years ago there wasn’t any youth movement for the religious-Zionist youth.

                       On 1929 Yechiel Eliyash decided to create that kind of a movement.

                       The chosen name was Bnei-Akiva –named after Rabbi Akiva.

                       A group of 8th graders from Yerushalaim established Bnei Akiva.

                       The first Snif was started in Yerushalaim.

                       Harav Neriya wrote the Bnei-Akiva anthem.

                       The first day of Bnei-Akiva Cleveland!


A  C  E  J  M  N  R  S  T  Y















































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