"oh The Places You'll Go!" - מקומות בארץ
Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English
Ans 7 - 12
Taille du groupe 10 - 100
Temps estime: 90 minutes
1) Teach the Chanichim about the diversity of Israeli Culture in the cities around the country.
2) Emphasize the positive traits and values which we can learn from each of these places/sects of Israeli society.
Method: Divide the kids into Year groups, and have them walk around between stations. Each year group should walk around with 2 Mads. Each station will represent a place or personality type in Israel. If needed kids can be reshuffled/year groups be divided if numbers are uneven
3 Parts:
Time |
Method |
Mads |
Tech |
1. Introduction- 5 min. |
People dressed as typical Israelis will read the Poem about the places you'll go in Israel. |
2 Mads |
Each group will rotate through the stations for 10-15 min. at each station. |
30 Mads |
Tech list for stations below
2 Mads |
No tech. |
- Introduction:
2 Mads will read the poem "Oh the places you'll go". Introduce them in an exciting way with the activity- of touring around the different places and people of Israel. Tell them to be open to learn something special from all the people along the way!
You'll be on your way up!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the Israeli soldiers
who fought for our rights.
The places you'll go!
The people you'll meet!
In a cave in Tzfat,
Spiritual people you'll meet,
In Machaneh Yehuda,
Grab a quick bite to eat!
The places you'll go!
The people you'll meet!
Jerusalem of Gold,
the heart of it all,
Write your own tefillah,
Stick it into 'The Wall'!
The places you'll go!
The people you'll meet!
From the beggar on the street,
You may receive a treat!
Take a chamsa or charm,
Tie the red string to your arm!
Just go right along,
Sing a song, plant a tree,
Absorb and learn from the people and places you'll see!
*Each station will have 2-4 Mads running it. (15 Mads apx.) There will be arrows showing the groups in which direction they should be moving along the stations. Each station will have the Dr. Suess "Oh the places you'll go" appropriate lines from the Poem hanging. And the Mads will be role playing the specific personality types in that place.
1) Tzfat: (2 Mads)
3 Mads will be dressed as spiritual hippies. The kids will go into a dark room, with candles lit up in a circle. Make it a bit like a tish –someone will play the guitar and teach the kids a new song for seudah shlishit!!!
Then- we will teach the Chanichim the song- Kum Kum Lei Lei!
PURPOSE- teach kids how one can connect to their spiritual roots through music
2) Bnei Brak: (3 Mads)
The kids will enter a room with Mads dressed as Chassidim, and Chassidic music playing. There will be grape juice in small cups, they will make a L'chaim, and the Mads leading will tell them about the Chassidic lifestyle- their dedication to what they believe is the correct way to live a life of vibrant Judaism.
For years 2-4 They will tell a Chassidic Tale.
For years 5-6 They will spread many Quotes from great Chassidim and have the kids share what they relate to most out of these Chassidic sayings, and why?
3) Shuk- Machane Yehuda: (4 Mads)
The mad at the station tells the kids that in Israel there are SOO many different colors, and shapes, so many different approaches to Judaism, to Israel, and to life in general live in this small country. It's one big Israeli Salad! Give them cut up ingredient (salad) and let them make their own! HAVE ISRAELI MUSIC IN THE BACKROUND!!!!!!
4) Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu: (4 mads)
Mads dressed as Kibbutznikim. Milking the cow – picture of a cow with a glove hanging down as the udders, poke small holes in the end of the fingers, let the kids take a cup to fill up so they can drink what they squeeze.
Speak about their value of working the land, of building, of physically taking our own fate into our arms!
5) Jerusalem (3 Mads)
The kids will arrive at the Kotel structure. They will have people dressed as the beggar women at the Kotel who will speak to them about how J'lem is the Capital city of Israel. Tell about how It's one of the 4 holy cities, and has so many complexity in it, and it succeeds in containing it all- Old and new, history and modern day, art and science, culture and spirituality, and no matter WHO you are- you can come and be a part of the people in J'lem. You can come and have a connection to yourself. You can come and write a letter in the wall.
The kids will have the opportunity to:
Years 2-4 draw a tefillah that they want to put in the Kotel.
Years 5-6 write a letter.
Both things will be taken to Israel and REALLY put in the Kotel.
Apon completion of the letter- they will each receive a red string bracelet!
Conclusion: Show youtube video of the diversity in Israel
aliyah, town, city, cities, culture, travel
» All > Eretz Yisrael > Places in Israel > General
» All > Eretz Yisrael > L'implantation dans le pays
» All > Eretz Yisrael > L'Etat d'Israel
» All > Le calendrier juif > Yom Haatzmaout
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