Jerusalem And Unity - ירושלים ואחדות

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 To teach the chanichim about the essential nature of unity in Jerusalem

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Two brothers lived on two sides of a mountain. One was rich but had no children, one had many children but was very poor.

The rich brother thought, I have so much my brother has so little, let me secretly cross the mountain in the middle of the night and bring my brother extra crop. The poor brother said, I derive so much happiness from my children, let me secretly bring my brother some of my crop so he could have a little extra joy in this world.

And so it went every night each of the brothers secretly crossed the mountain to bring their brother food. Every morning the brothers would inspect their stock to learn nothing was missing. Neither could explain the phenomena but they thanked G- d for His kindness and continued in their good will.

After years of this routine a schedule change occurred. Instead of the two brothers missing each other in the night, there on top of the mountain the two brothers met. They looked at each other in surprise and then simultaneously realized what had been happening for all the years. They both spontaneously embraced one another there on top of the mountain as they cried for joy.

Who these two brothers were we do not know, but it was on that mountain top, says the Medrash that G-d decided the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple, should be built.

 1. What was so special in the relationship between the two brothers?

2.Why did Hashem choose to build Beit Hamikdash especially on Mount Moriah?

 There was a man who made a party. He instructed his servants to invitehis friend Kamtza. His servants erred and invited his enemy BarKamtza. (apparently Kamtzas' son). When Bar Kamtza arrived atthe party the host was furious. He instructed his servants to oust him.

Bar Kamtza, being very embarrassed pleaded with his host to allow him to stay and even offered to pay for his meal. The host wouldn't hear of it, Bar Kamtza must leave. The guest begged him not to create a scene and offered to pay for half of the whole party. No way. He upped his proposition and offered to finance the entire price of the party but the host was still adamant.

Bar Kamtza was totally humiliated. He looked around and saw a room full of friends, at the head table were all the Rabbis. No one said a thing. The party went on. Bar Kamtza was so deplored that he went to the government authorities to complain about the Jews. One thing led to the other and Jerusalem was destroyed

From these two stories we learn a simple lesson of history. It was love of two men which caused Jerusalem to be built and hate between men which caused it to be destroyed.



1. Why was Jerusalem destroyed?


2. What can we learn from the story? Why respect and unity are are so important?

  "Rabbi Shimoen Ben Yochai said: A story is told of people who were sailing in a ship. One of them took a drill and started drilling underneath him. His companions said to him: "What are you doing?" He replied:"Why do you care? I am only drilling beneath myself". They answered: "The water will rise and sink the boat and we’ll all drown."



1.What was the problem with the man drilling underneath him?


2. Why wasn't the man able to understand the problem?

"ירושלים כעיר שחוברה לה יחדיו"

(תהילים, פרק קכ"ב, פסוק ג') Jerusalem, is built as a city that is compact together""

(Tehilim, chapter 122, 3)


What is the word "together" referring to? What is it trying to emphasise?

"Individuals that belong to a community complete each other. In every person there is something unique and special, something rare, that is not known to other people; every individual has something to say, a special colour to add to the community rainbow. Therefore, when an individual joins a community, he adds a new dimension to the communal awareness. He gives something that no one else can give. He enriches the community. He has no replacement. Judaism has always seen the individual as a small world. Because of that uniqueness all the individuals gather around, completing each other, and achieving the unity."

(Rabbi Solovechik)



2. Why did Rabbi Solovechik choose to use the words "rainbow" and "colour"? What does it emphasise?


3. How can we achieve unity? What is our role?"בית המקדש השני נחרב משום שנאת חינם ובית המקדש השלישי ייבנה בזכות אהבת חינם"(הראי"ה קוק זצ"ל)

 "The Second Temple was destroyed because of hatred, and the Third Temple will be built because of free love" (Rabbi Kook)

1. What can we do in order to build the Third Temple?

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» All > Am Yisrael > Unité
» All > Bein Adam l'Chavero > General
» All > Eretz Yisrael > Places in Israel > Jerusalem
» All > Le calendrier juif > Le jeune du 17 Tamouz
» All > Le calendrier juif > Ticha Beav
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