Davening Today In A Shul

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : שיעור בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 17 - 19

גודל קבוצה 5 - 30

משך הפעולה : 90 דקות

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Davening Today in a Shul.doc (892 KB)

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מטרת הפעולה
To learn the place of a shul today and the importance of davening with a tsibur and/or in a shul.

עזרים נדרשים
  • Shulchan Aruch Hilchot Tefilah (for the chanachim to prepare
  • Rav Soloveitchik's article (Beit Knesset)


Source sheet with the following sources:

·                      Rav Soloveitchik's article about the idea of Beit Knesset.

·                      Shulchan Aruch Hilchot Tefilah 90, 9

תוכן הפעולה



This Shiur will try to sum up our discussion. This is the time to discuss with the chanichim what they learned from this specific topic. Use Rav Soloveitchik's article to trigger a discussion about the place of a shul today.




Have the chanichim prepare:

·                      Rav Soloveitchik's article about the idea of Beit Knesset.

·                      Shulchan Aruch Hilchot Tefilah 90, 9



·                      The Shulchan Aruch teaches us that it is important to daven with a tzibur in a shul.  Notice that there are two separate halachot here:

 1. Tefilah Be’Tzibur

 2. Tefilah in a shul.

 These two values create a few Halachot:

1.                     It is better to daven in a shul even without a minyan

2.                     One should always try to daven with a minyan even outside a shul.

3.                     One should try to daven the same time as the tzibur.


·                      Rav Soloveitchik explains that a shul does not serve only as a house of prayer but also as a house of Jewish identity. A house that brings a Jew together with his past his future and connects him to his heritage. In times of spiritual danger, our shul protects us, it binds us together as a people. 

פעולות דומות ניתן למצוא גם בקטגוריות הבאות:
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