Functions Of A Shul

פרטי הקובץ :

סוג פעולה : שיעור בשפה: אנגלית

גילאים 16 - 18

גודל קבוצה 5 - 30

משך הפעולה : 90 דקות

פרטים נוספים...


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מטרת הפעולה
Learn the functions of a shul through the use of the Rambam and his commentries and to learn the differences and similarities between a shul and the Beit Hamikdash.

עזרים נדרשים

Source sheet with the following sources:

· Rambam Tefilah Chapter 11

·               Tefillah bezibor (halacha 1)

·               Reading the torah (halachot 1-3,10,14)

·               Speeches (halacha 3)

·               Eulogy (halacha 7)


·                      There are halachot which teach us how to behave in the Shul (halachot 5,6,7,8 11)

·                      There are similarities between a shul and Bet HaMikdash (Halachot 2,11)

תוכן הפעולה

Functions of a Shul

By: Aviad Tabory




 Ask the chanichim these questions:

·                      When did we start having shuls? (Already in the times of Second Temple there was a shul not far from the Temple. This leads to another question :)

·                      What are the differences between Beit HaMikdash and a shul? What are the similarities?

·                      What are the functions of a shul?

·                      I s a shul holy? If so, what creates this holiness?

·                      How should one behave in a shul if it is holy?




Have the chanichim prepare:

·                      Rambam Tefilah Chapter 11


Questions and Issues to Think About


·                      Functions of a shul

·                      Compare the shul to the Beit HaMikdash




 Read the Rambam together with chanichim. Notice and sum up the following:


The functions of a shul are:

·               Tefillah bezibor (halacha 1)

·               Reading the torah (halachot 1-3,10,14)

·               Speeches (halacha 3)

·               Eulogy (halacha 7)


·                      There are halachot which teach us how to behave in the Shul (halachot 5,6,7,8 11)

·                      There are similarities between a shul and Bet HaMikdash (Halachot 2,11)





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