Guardando indietro
- 1 September, 1935 (3 Elul, 5695): Rav Kook Yahrzeit
- 4 September, 1953 (24 Elul, 5713): Rav Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel-yertziet
- 15 September, 1914 (24 Elul, 5674): yertziet of David Wolffsohn
- 20 September, 1944 (3 Tishrei, 5705): Jewish Brigade-established
- 23 September, 136 (10 Tishrei, 3897): R Akiva Yertzeit
- 27 September, 2007 (15 Tishrei, 5768): Rav Avraham Shapira
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Police & Thieves For Chanukah
מטרת הפעולה: להכיר לילדים את סיפור חנוכה ומנהגי חנוכה בדרך חוויתית.
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Pessah , Fete De La Transmission
But de la Péoula : Le but est de transmettre notre Judaïsme et comment le faire transmettre
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Link consigliati
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
Succot from Kipa
Shiurim and educational ideas about Succot
Shiurim and educational ideas about Succot