Road To Jerusalem - äãøê ìéøåùìéí
Group Size:
Estimated Time:
To familiarize the chanichim with three different famous roads to Yerushalayim that took place during 3 different tkufot (time periods).
Game: The chainichim will be divided up into 3 groups. In each group, the chanichim are trying to reach the Kotel, which will be symbolized by a chair in the middle of the room. Each group will start off from a different starting point.
The chanichim advance by answering questions about
For instance, chanicha A gets a question right. She stays where she is, and the next chanicha in line goes ahead of her and gets the baton and answers a question. Then a 3rd chanicha goes in front of her, until everyone has gone and then the last one in line has a turn again, and so forth….
The 3 different groups will be:
Group A: Paratroopers trying to get to the Kotel in the 1967 war. They are starting off at Har Hazeitim (
Group B: A group of Jews from the time of the Beit HaMikdash, coming from Chevron, on their way to Yerushalayim, doing Aliya LeRegel for Pesach. Their baton is a sheep (a.k.a. Korban Pesach).
Group C: Palmach soldiers building the
We’ll split the madrichot up with between each group. You guys should first try to explain to
So for Group A, ask the kids “what happened in ‘67”, (try to explain to them that after ’48 the kotel was off limits to the Jews), “what’s Har HaZeitim”, “Does anyone know who’s buried there?” Then explain to them what to do and start the game.
For Group B: “What’s Aliya Leregel?” “How did Jews travel then? Bus, car, donkey??” “On which holidays did we do Aliya L’Regel?”
Group C: “What’s a siege?” “Who were the Palmach?.” Ask then if any of them have ever heard about the Burma Road before – they probably haven’t.
Short history lesson: In June ’48 the Arab Legion had a tight siege on the main road to Jerusalem and many attempts to break through by the Palmach failed and the situation was desperate- no food/water left in Jerusalem. So an American fighter named Mickey Marcus, discovered by driving his jeep through the mountains a new road, and during many nights, Palmach fighters worked on clearing and paving that road so jeeps could travel on it, and after bringing supplies on that road by trucks they were still 300 miles short, so a hundred men walked the last distance carrying the bags of food and supplies on their backs!! (it’s a pretty crazy story).
Then I’ll give you a list of questions to ask the kids during the game – if they get it right they move up a step, if not they stay where they are and next kid goes… I’ll also write up the 5 minute intro about each road that you just read. Ok so hopefully this sniff will be fun and exciting and also chinuchi. See you guys on shabbos!!
» Alles > Eretz Yisrael > Plaatsen in israel > jerusalaim
» Alles > Geschiedenis > Richting het opzetten van een staat 1890-1948
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