Eli Cohen Says Shmah Israel - àìé ëäï æåò÷ ùîò éùøàì

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Resource Type: Peula in: Engels
Age: 8-12
Group Size: 10-50
Estimated Time: 45 minutes

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Resource Goal

Goal: Power of saying Shema

Required Props & Materials

Materials: Blind folds & Marshmallow fluff

Resource Contents

Story: Eli Cohen was an Israeli Mossad spy who worked in Syria undercover and helped Israel find out a lot about military operations being planned by Syria against Israel. Unfortunately he was caught and put to death by Syria. At the same time, there was a non-religious Jew who was hanging out and touring Europe and the world with his friends and he was in a bar at in Damascus, and all of a sudden he heard all this noise. He and his non-Jewish friends leave the bar and see a whole procession in the

Town Square
where they are dragging a man up to a gallows. They put the rope around the man's neck and announced that this man was being executed for treason! They then asked the man if he had any last words and he looked up at the almost deserted town square, surrounded by a few onlookers and soldiers and yelled out: Shma Israel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad. The non-religious Jew heard that and was blown away. He had never given any thought to Judaism before but now he realized here was a Jew who said Shmah thinking no other Jew was around and that he was dieing alone. The non-religious Jews was inspired by this and left the country because he couldn’t stay in a place that hated Jews so much and went on to be a cameraman who produced holocaust films about survivors with Steven Spielberg. And the Jewish man who was executed had been Eli Cohen, that famous Mossad spy caught by the Syrians. His saying Shma inspired this cameraman to lead a Jewish career.

Game #1: Blindfold Obstacle course

Set the room up with obstacles. Divide all the chanichim up into pairs. One kid in each pair gets blindfolded. Now each kid that is not blindfolded has to lead his partner (by talking to him, directing him, but not touching him) to a certain location. Then the partners should switch.


Game #2: Rain Game

Spice it up!

If the kids are into it, give them a chance to be the rainmaker!

Explain to the chanichim that together, as a group, you’re going to make it rain. Everyone sits in a circle and one Madrich goes around the circle and as he passes every chanich they start to make the noise or motion he is making. As you do it, you can narrate what’s going on a little bit (now it’s starting to drizzle, the drizzle is turning into drops, it’s getting a little harder, etc) The madrich starts by rubbing his hands together, then snapping his fingers, then lightly clapping his hands, then drumming hands on knees, then stomping feet. Once you have the downpour at its peak, you can move back through the steps.

Game #3: Marshmallow Mouth

 Make a list of different sentences before Shabbat. (It could be movie titles, or  lines like “Bnei Akiva is really cool”, or “I really like chulent” or the first line of Yad Achim, or “Am Israel, B’Eretz Israel Al Pi Torat Israel”…)

Then divide the chanichim up into 2 teams. The game runs a little like charades. One kid is picked from each team, and he has to fill his mouth with Marshmallow Fluff and then read the sentence to his team and whichever team understands their person first and guesses correctly wins.



Riddles for the scavenger hunt:


Here we mention our important forefathers,

Whose merits seem to make them much “taller”.   

Answer: îâï àáåú

G-d can turn an olive into a chive,

And even make those who are dead come alive.

Answer:  îçéä îúéí


Holy ones praise him all the time,

and that is the end of this rhyme

Answer: àúä ÷ãåù


Knowledge we do ask,

For some of us, it is a formidable task.    

Answer: àúä çåðï


Help us do Teshuva, we ask Hashem,

So that we will be close to you once again

Answer: äùéáðå

We’ve sinned and now we’re very sad,

Please forgive us and don’t be mad.

Answer: ñìç ìðå


In this bracha, we do pray,

See our trouble and save us today

Answer: øàä áòðééðå

If you are not feeling so well,

Pray this and there is no need to yell.   

Answer: øôàðå


Give us a very fruitful year

From starvation we’ll have no fear

Answer: áøê òìéðå

Sound the great shofar blast,

To bring us back home, at last

Answer: ú÷ò áùåôø


We ask that our judges do return,

From them we have much more to learn.

Answer:  äùéáä ùåôèéðå

Destroy all the bad guys

All our enemies and those who tell Answer: åìîìùéðéí

Reward those who trust in you

The righteous people and all good Jews

            Answer: òì äöãé÷éí

We hope to once again return to this city,

Its destruction was such a pity.

Answer:  åìéøåùìéí


Let the Kingdom of David blossom,

Your redemption would be really awesome.

Answer: àú öîç


Hashem, please listen to our voices,

Besides You, we have no other choices.

Answer: ùîò ÷åìéðå


Accept our prayers of words and tunes,

And bring back the Korbanot soon.

Answer: øöä


Hashem is the One we must all thank,

For on Him we know we can always bank.

Answer: îåãéí


In the end, all we hope for is peace,

When we turn our hearts toward the east.

Answer: ùéí ùìå

Here we mention our forefathers,

Whose merits seem to make them much “taller”.   


G-d can turn an olive into a chive,

And make those who are dead come alive.


Holy ones praise him all the time,

and that is the end of this rhyme



Knowledge we do ask,

For some of us, it is a formidable task.    


Help us do Teshuva, we ask Hashem,

So we will be close to you once again


We’ve sinned and now we’re very sad,

Please forgive us and don’t be mad.


In this bracha, we do pray,

See our trouble and save us today


If you are not feeling so well,

Pray this and there is no need to yell.   


Give us a very fruitful year

From starvation we’ll have no fear


Sound the great shofar blast,

To bring us back home, at last


We ask that our judges do return,

From them we have much more to learn.


Destroy all the bad guys

All our enemies and those who tell lies


Reward those who trust in you

The righteous people and all good Jews


We hope to once again return to this city,

Its destruction was such a pity.


Let the Kingdom of David blossom,

Your redemption would be really awesome.


Hashem, please listen to our voices,

Besides You, we have no other choices.


Accept our prayers of words and tunes,

And bring back the Korbanot soon.


Hashem is the One we must all thank,

On Him we know we can always bank.


In the end, all we hope for is peace,

When we turn our hearts toward the east.



















































Related Resources can be found under:
» Alles > Jodendom > Tefilla
» Alles > Tussen man en zichzelf > Gevura - Heldenschap
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