Aleph Peula: Parashat Bo

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Resource Type: Peula in: Engels
Age: 8-13
Group Size: 5-30
Estimated Time: 90 minutes

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Resource Goal
To teach the chanachim about Tu B'Shvat.

Required Props & Materials
  • Envelope
  • Letters (re scavenger hunt)
  • Names of fruit (attached)

Resource Contents

Dear Datya,

Here is this weeks Chevraya Aleph Peula make any corrections you want what I was thinking with the paths is that we put the next place they are supose to go to as the envelope. i hope this makes sence to you.  I talked to Rivka and told her the corrections and yoni said he would make the scrambled fruit letters.See ya tomorow


Aleph Peula: Parashat Bo

Stage 1: Gather your kids and explain to them we are continuing our focus on Tub’shvat this week by having a scavenger hunt.

Stage 2: Instructions for the Scaverger hunt: Right after Mifkad you will recieve on envelope with letters and a piece of paper. This piece of paper will be your key. There will be a name of fruit and next to it there will be the place that that fruit leads you.

Stage 3: The letters will make up the name of a fruit but the girls have to unscramble the letters to make the name of the fruit. The fruit might be in Hebrew or English.

Stage 4: Take the kids on the scavenger hunt by the same proccess as above--You get the scrambled letters the kids unscramble it once it is unscramble look up the fruit on the list see what place it refers to and go to that place and begin the proccess over again.

Stage 5: I hope by the end of the scavenger hunt it will be time for shira but if not take your kids back to your normal room and play a game.

Good Luck and Shabbat Shalom!


Mango - Main Stair Well

Tomatoes - Kitchen

Blueberry - Girls/Boys Bathroom Downstairs

Rasberry - Playroom

Pineapple - Shul

Grapes - Back Stairwell

Avocado - Snack Room

Oranges - Girls/Boys Bathroom 2nd Floor

Banana - coat room

Peaches - Bnei Akiva mailbox

Apples - hallway on 3rd floor

Starfruit - lobby

Strawberry - Kollel room

Lemon - front entrance


4th and 5th Girls 6th Grade Girls 4th Boys 5th Boys 6th Boys

Color: Purple        Blue              Green       Yellow   Red

Mango                    Blueberry     Lemon     Apples     Grapes

Oranges                 Tomatoes        Peaches  Strawberry Avocado

Pineapple                Rasberry       Grapes     Blueberry Oranges

Avocado                 Grapes         Starfruit     Banana  Pineapple

Banana                 Starfruit         Rasberry     Pineapple Blueberry

Blueberry             Oranges         Tomatoes    Oranges     Banana

Apples                 Peaches         Blueberry     Avocado   Strawberry

Strawberry           Lemon          Mango         Grapes        Apples

Lemon                 Strawberry   Avocado       Tomatoes   Rasberry

Starfruit               Apples           Oranges         Rasberry     Tomatoes

Peaches               Banana           Pineapple       Mango         Starfruit

Grapes                Pineapple         Banana          Starfruit       Mango

Rasberry            Avocado           Strawberry      Peaches      Lemon

Tomatoes           Mango             Apples             Lemon       Peaches

End - Something there not sure what either snack or fruit maybe


Related Resources can be found under:
» Alles > Torah > Parshat Shavoea > Shmot > Bo
» Alles > De Joodse kalender > Tu BiShvat
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