Parsha Questions: Vahakel - פרשת ויקהל
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- Who was in charge of building the mishkan? (Betzalel)
- What was the ephod? (the apron)
- Who wore this? (cohen gadol)
- what colors were the ephod? (either blue, purple or gold – hint: same as tzitzit – tchelet)
- there were special stones/jewels that were put on the ephod. Where on the ephod were they attached? (shoulders of the ephod)
- what was the choshen? (chestplate)
- How many stones were there on the choshen? (12)
- What was written on these stones? (the names of the 12 tribes)
- What did these stones represent? (the 12 tribes)
- How did the choshen help the jews make decisions? What would happen when they asked it a question? (the letters of the answer would light up in the names of the tribes writted on the choshen)
- who wore the choshen? (cohen gadol)
- what was the me’il (coat)
- What color was the me’il? (blue-tchelet)
- what was the tzitz? (head band)
- what was written on the tzitz (kodesh l’hashem)
- who wore the tzitz? (cohen gadol)
- What parts of their body did the kohanim have to wash b4 doing the service (hands and feet)
- did the cohanim wear shoes in the mishkan? (no)
- why? **bonus*** (bc the ground was holy and their shouldn’t be a separation btwn them and the ground)
- After everything was built, who put the mishkan together? (moshe)
- After everything was brought into the mishkan, what descended and covered the mishkan? (the cloud of hashem)
- when hashem wanted the jews in the desert to pack up and go to the next stop what would happen? (the cloud would rise above the mishkan)
- what would happen when hashem wanted the jews to stop in the desert and set up camp? (the cloud would stop and descend).
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