Idade: 10-183018 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

The Eternal Question

This is a series of activities and discussions designed to cover the gamut of hadracha skills and related issues.

Idade: 15-181854 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Doing Mitzvot

1.The chanichim will understand that the Judaism believes in doing mitzvot beyond just theoretical ideas.

2.The chanichim will understand that mitzvot illustrate ideals and values that we believe in.

Idade: 8-104155 ViewsView DetailsVista
Shiur - Aula
Idade: 12-1007235 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-187033 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

The History of the Jewish People
The History of the Jewish People
dates & general information about jewish history
Israel's 60th Independence web site
Israel's 60th Independence web site
activities, photoes, information etc about Israel since 1948 until now
Free Pollard
Free Pollard
A site with info and facts that support the call to Free Jonathan Pollard
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
The Israeli MIAs website, with all 8 MIAs and chronology note- the website has not been updated since July 2005.