Jogos "quebra-gelo"
Idade: 2-100 | 10555 Views | Vista |
Ice Breakers
To get the chanachim to get to now eachother within their kvutza
Idade: 5-12 | 7530 Views | Vista |
Ice Breakers
To allow the chanachim to get to know each other and their madrachim - to break the ice!
Idade: 6-9 | 7213 Views | Vista |
Pourim En Mahané
Descriptif du projet pédagogique :
Transmettre aux hanihims les idéaux fondamentaux de la fête de Pourim au travers de peoulot, chacune étant liée à l’une des mitzvot de Pourim, tout au long de la semaine du mahané.
Idade: 7-16 | 9529 Views | Vista |
Links Recomendados
Elections 2009
PPT, Pics & etc about the coming election 2009
PPT, Pics & etc about the coming election 2009
Aish- Elol Tishrey
Stories, Arts & crafts, Fun activities & more!
Stories, Arts & crafts, Fun activities & more!
Pessach be "Ofarim"
Activities for Pessach and about Pessach's names Stories, Songs and Pessach's songs's melodies Presentation about Pessach Clips and Recipes For young ages...
Activities for Pessach and about Pessach's names Stories, Songs and Pessach's songs's melodies Presentation about Pessach Clips and Recipes For young ages...