Parshat Vayetze
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Parsha questions – Parashat Vayetze
Couple of notes:
ú Snif is at . Mifkad will be NO LATER.
ú We’re going to have half an hour for the peula; we’ll get back together in the downstairs hall for shira/parasha questions/snack at .
ú If you think you won’t get to it, do the parsha questions first – we don’t want kids at a disadvantage complaining.
ú Sing with your kids! You get points for it!
And now… The Parasha Facts (remember, any way to teach these is good):
ú Yaakov left Be’er Sheva and went to Charan.
ú He stopped at Bet-El, and had a dream of a ladder going up to heaven, and angels going up and down that ladder.
ú Yaakov pulls the seal off the public well by himself when he sees the Beauty of Rachel
ú Lavan gives Yaakov his oldest daughter, Leah to marry first, and then, upon Yaakov’s complaint of deceit, he gives him Rachel the same week.
ú Yaakov has to work 7 years to get Leah, and then works another 7 to pay off for Rachel.
ú Rachel couldn’t bare children in the beginning, but towards the end she had Yosef
ú Yaakov put a special stick in trough of the sheep so that after they came to drink they would have sheep who weren’t white; he could get the non-white sheep, and Lavan took the white sheep.
ú Yaakov, his wives, his kids, and all his belongings run away from Lavan because they were afraid Lavan would never let them leave.
ú Rachel stole Lavan’s idles and hid them in her pillows on the camel – she sat on them while Lavan searched the tent and that’s how he couldn’t find them.
ú Lavan and Yaakov make a treaty – Brit – that they shouldn’t pass into each other’s territory in the future; the sign/monument: a hill of stones, Gal-Ed.
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