Parshat Vayetzi
Peula - Atividade
O tamanho do grupo:
Tempo estimado:
To teach the chanachim the meaning of our identity. That an identity is what makes us unique and different. That there are two things that define our identity: our Hashkafa and our Mitzvot- or in other words our mind and our body. That the mind is more important because the body does what the mind says. In this peula we will attempt to inform the Chanichim about what our identity is and how it makes us different.
- Book fo Joseph
Peula for Shabbat Parashat VaYetzi
Background: This week we are going to discuss the meaning of out identity. Just for reminding, an identity is what makes us unique and different. There are two things that define our identity: our Haskafa and our Mitzvot- or in other words our mind and our body. The mind is more important because the body does what the mind says. In this peula we will attempt to inform the Chanichim about what our identity is and how it makes us different.
1st Step- Explanation
We will attempt to explain a little bit about identity before the actual game. Try to get the message across that there are two parts to identity- and the identity makes us different and unique (reread introduction) blah blah.
2nd Step- Story
I will attempt to furnish you with the book “Joseph who loves the Sabbath.” Read the story before the peula. Then, in discussion form (that means get the chanichim involved…ask questions), explain to the chanichim that Joseph was different:
- he didn’t spend all his money on wasteful things
- he enjoyed keeping Shabbat
- he loved worshiping Hashem
- he was not intimidated by other people
- he was not affected by the people’s mocking him
people knew and saw that he was different and in the end he got rewarded for his uniqueness. Just like us, we are different because we do the mitzvoth and we get rewarded for believing in Hashem and doing the mitzvoth.
3rd Step- Game
We are going to plat the game Indian Chief, the game is that we get all the chanichim in a circle (it is better if more chanichim are there), and we send one chanich out of the room. Then we choose one Chanich that is in the circle to be the leader. The leader gets to choose a rhythmic pattern like banging on the floor and clapping, and then all the chanichim have to do what the leader does. Then we bring in the Chanich, after the rhythmic pattern has started, and then the leader can change the pattern and everybody has to do what the leader does, and the Chanich that was outside has to figure out who is the leader.
Explanation: We are all different, like the leader, and we are the minority. But, because we are different, we set the standard for the rest of the world. We inspire all the world to be good and moral. That is our identity and that is our role in the world. By believing (mind) in Hashem and doing (body) the mitzvoth we become unique good and moral people- and likewise we inspire the world to become good and moral, “a light unto the nations.”
Shabbat Shalom,
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