Chutes And Yaacov's Ladder
Peula - Atividade
O tamanho do grupo:
Tempo estimado:
Goal: To review the story of Yaacov and his dream and some trivia about
Materials: a large remake of the chutes and ladders game board, pieces
Shortly talk about Yaacov's sleep and dream. Discuss things like the angels from
We're playing chutes and ladders!!!! Only with ladders
Remember that the parsha begins with Yaacov's Ladder.
Split them up into a few teams, and use keys or something for pieces. When a team arrives at the top/bottom of a ladder, they answer a question. If they get it right, they either go up the ladder, or stay at the top (depending on where they are), and if they get it wrong they either stay where they are, or go down (once again, depending on where they are). That's it. .
Here are some optional questions, they are at different levels so choose according to the group or make up more of your own:
¨ Where did Yaacov leave from? (beer Sheva)
¨ Where did Yaacov sleep? (Beit El)
¨ What direction did he walk in? (from south to north east)
¨ How many stones did yaacov have under his head in the morning? (1)
¨ How many flocks of sheep were waiting by the well when Yaakov arrived? (3)
¨ How long did Yaacov work for Lavan for free? (1 month)
¨ How many steps did the ladder have? (no answer just see what they say)
¨ Where did Yaacov go after he left Lavan? (Machanayim)
¨ Where is Machanayim? (between the Galil and the Golan)
¨ Which is further north -
¨ Order these from north to south: negev, shomron, galil, golan
¨ What is the southernmost city in
¨ In what year did
¨ In what war did we recapture Yerushalayim? (6 day war, 1967)
¨ What is the Hebrew word for the Bnei Akiva symbol? (semel)
¨ What is the capitol of
¨ What do the two lines on the Israeli flag symbolize? (Talit)
¨ Name 2 Israeli Prime Ministers
¨ Name 1 woman prime minister in
¨ Name 5 Israeli cities
¨ Who is the biggest airport in
¨ What is moving to
¨ What is the southern desert in
¨ What is the lowest spot in the earth? (the
Suitable for Shabbat (requires some prior preparation)
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