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מרכז ההדרכה המקוון

Chavraya (aleph)

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Typ av resurs: Peula / aktivitet in: Engelska
Ålder: 8-12
Storlek: 5-30
Beräknad tid: 90 minutes

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To teach the chanachim the main events of Parshat Vayechi and hwo to work together through a Treasure Hunt.

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Treasure hunt clues


Parshat Vayechi-FMS Shabbaton

Peula Chavraya Alef #2

Treasure hunt!!!

This is how it works:

There are 5 groups (according to the Alef shvatim).

 Each group gets a “key”, and their first clue.

About the clues: 

Explain to the chanichim that this week, we are finishing up Sefer Bereshit.  The clues are psukim from different parshiyot in Bereshit.

 They have to recognize what parsha the psukim on each clue are from, consult the “key” and thus, know where to go to find the next clue. 

Each group will get a Chumash, so that they can look up stuff that they aren’t sure about.

It is important that the Madrichim go with the chanichim, so that they don’t cheat (the chanichim, not the madrichim). 

Each group should take the clues of their color, and none else, as to not mess up the other group’s clues. 

Remember: The clues cannot be thrown out cause THEY ARE GNIZA!!!

Questions?! Comments?!  Please contact us whenever, BEFORE THE PEULA!!!

Kudos to Shanie for the great work on the peulot this weekJ!


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» All > Torah > Parshat Shavua > Breishit > Vayechi
» All > Bein Adam l'Chavero > Gruppdynamik
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