Jews And People Of The World
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To identify those areas in which we can learn from our non-Jewish teachers and acquaintances, as well as the limits we must place on our interaction with these individuals
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How we relate to non-Jews follows closely on the heels of how we relate to all other Jews. It is important not to ignore these interactions as they too form a vital part of our Avodat Hashem.
To identify those areas in which we can learn from our non-Jewish teachers and acquaintances, as well as the limits we must place on our interaction with these individuals
The beauty of this peulah is that it is quite versatile and can be run for all grades. For grades 1-3 add in a few simple games at the beginning. Once you have divided them into their two teams have these teams play red rover, snatch the hat or any other team game which will pit them against each other. For the older grades just go straight into the game and increase the time spent on the follow-up sicha. The oldest grades should really focus on the mekorot, it should be easy to get them debating this issue.
“Kolonians vs. Souls”
The Madrich should prepare for this game by bringing two different types of candy (e.g. jellybeans and Hershey’s Kisses) to snif, with enough of each for the entire group.
Madrich divides the chanichim into two groups: one group is the “Kolonians,” one group is the “Souls.” Kolonians each get one piece of candy A, Souls each get one piece of candy B.
Each group has its own “rules”:
Kolonians do business through close contact: shaking each others’ hands, patting each other on the back, hugging, asking personal questions about family, etc.
Souls are more reserved in their business practices: they stand at arm’s length from each other and bow, but do not touch or discuss personal issues.
After each team’s “rules” are explained to them, the two groups are told that they must now conduct business with each other and successfully trade candies, while sticking to their own rules of business contact.
The point of this game is to demonstrate to the chanichim that people can recognize and respect each other’s differences and still successfully communicate with and benefit from each other.
[If the groups can continue acting this way through seudah shlishit and the rest of Snif it can be quite entertaining (for madrichim and chacnichim!!)]
Sicha: this discussion should be adapted for different age groups as appropriate
Questions to open with:
· Who do you know who is not Jewish?
(Answers may range from teachers, to neighbors, to doctors, etc.)
· How are their customs and observances different from ours?
(Holidays, etc.)
· Can non-Jews be our role-models?
Although we need to maintain a distance between ourselves and non-Jews with regard to religious observances, for example, there are certainly important lessons that we can learn from our non-Jewish teachers and acquaintances – particularly in the area of midot.
· Discuss some midot that we can learn from non-Jews.
Kiddushin 41a
The Gemmara asks how far one must go to fulfil the mitzvah of kibud av va’em it answers this question with the story of Dama ben Netina. On two separate occasions, when the Chachamim asked to buy a jewel from him (for the beit mikdash) for a large sum of money, Dama refused simply because the key to the safe was under his sleeping father’s pillow and he didn’t want to wake his father. The next year Dama’s flock produced a para adumah-a very rare animal necessary for the purification of those who have come in contact with a corpse. Dama sold this to the Chachamim, for the sum of money offered to him for the jewel and was thus repaid for the effort he exerted in the mitzva of kibud av va’em.
Why does the gemara chose to cite a non-Jew as the prime example of one who is meticulous regarding this mitzvah? Surely there were Jewish talmidei chachamim who would have qualified!
Rashi on Bamidbar 29:18
With reference to the korbanot of Chag HaSukot Rashi says that 70 heifers were brought and these heifers kept the 70 nations of the world safe.
What role did non-Jews play in Jewish life during the time of the mikdash?
More General Questions:
· What is racism?
· Why is racism negative or detrimental?
· What do we, as Jews, do to combat racism?
· Are we ourselves careful not to make racist comments?
· What is a “righteous gentile”? Do you know any?
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