Am Yisrael

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As One Man With One Heart

Goal: the Chanichim should understand the importance of being united as a Bnei-Akiva group and of course as a nation.

Ages: 9-159404 viewsView DetailsView

Purim- The Unity Of All Am-yisrael

Goal: The Chanichim should understand the importance of Am-Yisrael being together throw the Megila and Purims’ customs.

Ages: 10-145045 viewsView DetailsView

Brother Where Are You?

To have the chanichim think about their roles as siblings, and as siblings with all of Am Yisrael.

Ages: 7-144124 viewsView DetailsView

Teamwork- Shabbat Parashat Pinchas

Goal: to teach the kinderlach more about Ben Adam l’chavero and specifically teamwork. Sure one or two people can make or break a team but that’s not the point and we don’t want them finding that out for at least two or three years. Most of it is gonna be games that they can play and the message of those games is teamwork. If the kids aren’t bright enough to understand the game at least make sure they understand the message.

Ages: 6-144167 viewsView DetailsView

What's In A Flag?

The chanichim will understand the why it is important to have a flag.

The chanichim will know that what’s behind what eyes can see is more important

Ages: 9-112675 viewsView DetailsView

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