Eretz Yisrael

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Ages: 15-208666 viewsView DetailsView

Destruction & Redemption

Goals: The chanichim will understand that even though we morn the חורבן, חורבן in itself is the first step of the גאולה.

Ages: 13-168349 viewsView DetailsView

Yehudah Maccabee And Peer Pressure

Goal: The chanichim should appreciate how both Yehuda Maccabee and Mizrachi (Religious Zionists) faced opposition on both fronts to their actions, but they believed what they were doing was emet and stuck to their beliefs and were not swayed by other people’s opinions.

Ages: 8-123959 viewsView DetailsView

Kibbutz Galuyot - Intro

Review the history and struggle to free Soviet Jewry, discuss the mass Aliya of Russian Jewry; explain the joys and problems of absorbing so many new olim

Ages: 9-114085 viewsView DetailsView

Peula Shabbat Parshat Noach

To get the chanichim to be "jealous" of people who live in


Ages: 6-1212339 viewsView DetailsView

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