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Chavraya - Aleph

Being that Sunday is the 10 B'Tevet, we would like the chanachim to be confronted with the question: why is remembering important?

Ages: 8-127788 viewsView DetailsView

Parashat Vayigash

Being that Sunday is 10 Be’Tevet, we would like the chanichim to be confronted with the question: why is remembering important? 

Ages: 8-135975 viewsView DetailsView


Teach the chanachim about this weeks parsha and what rashi has to say about it.

Ages: 8-136054 viewsView DetailsView

Vayigash - Yehuda's Journey

To show the kids that everyone is able to change themselves and their behaviour. To teach the kids the story of Yosef and his brothers, focusing on Yehuda’s teshuva and change.

Ages: 8-125697 viewsView DetailsView

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