Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs


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A Jewish children's learning network
The magic of creation The magic of creation
mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- games mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- games
Torah Tots Torah Tots
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.
a site that collects many Peulot
Chelm Chelm
Sukkah Building Instructions
Tishrey kit Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
סרט לזיכרו של רחבעם זאבי
Matal- Minheret Ha'zman Matal- Minheret Ha'zman
blabla4u- Chanuka blabla4u- Chanuka
Roim Et Hakolot - Seeing the sounds Roim Et Hakolot - Seeing the sounds
Teaching Bar Mitzva Torah reading and Drasha, also good for Bat Mitzva Drasha
7- net 7- net
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Dreams Can Come True

1. To think about the importance of dreams

2. To consider the changes throughout Herzl's life and his dream

3. To consider how we all need to dream and work to allow our dreams to become reality

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