Bnei Akiva Olami
Center for Religious Affairs


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Tanach Study Center Tanach Study Center
Shiurim on Chumash, Navi, Chagim and more by Menachem Leibtag. In English and Hebrew.... In Memory of Rabbi Avraham Leibtag
Let My People Go Let My People Go
mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- games mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- games
Chanukah Videos on YouTube Chanukah Videos on YouTube
Links to movies about Chanuka on Youtube
AMIT enables Israel's youth to realize their potential and strengthens Israeli society by educating and nurturing children from diverse backgrounds within a framework of academic excellence, religious values and Zionist ideals. The site has many activities and games which help educate the children.
Ofarim- Chanuka Ofarim- Chanuka
Pessach (AMIT) Pessach (AMIT)
activities. stories, games, and songs for Pessach
Matya- Purim Matya- Purim
Amit- Purim Amit- Purim
What is Adar? Songs, games, mitzvot & other stuff about Purim.
Yeladim Be Sicuy Yeladim Be Sicuy
Kosher 4 Passover Kosher 4 Passover
A lot of games for Pessach and for the seder itself A lot of information about the 10 makot and Pessach in General... Movie Clips, Jokes and more *On the home page there are a lot of links for games and information
Shavout- Or Etzion Shavout- Or Etzion
Dapey Limud for Shavout by Or Etzion
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Shabbat Hachodesh

Teach about the mitzva of HaChodesh, show how the moon works

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Shabbat Hachodesh

Teach about the mitzva of HaChodesh, show how the moon works

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