9th of Av

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The Years Leading Up To The Churban


 The objective of this peulah is to give kids an understanding of the years leading up to the churban. Chances are the chanichim do not know too much about this time period. Points to be discussed 

The split between Judah and the rest of


The various kings that ruled.

The reign of Hezekiah, his trouble with Sennacherib, and his water supply for


Menasseh, the idol worshipping king of


While understanding the history of the time is the main objective of this peulah the game will try to demonstrate how the split in

Israel was bad for the Jewish people

Ages: 6-145429 viewsView DetailsView

To Love Or To Hate?

for the chanichim to understand why we want ahavat chinam

Ages: 7-1011392 viewsView DetailsView

Wondering Where You Been?!

Goal: While dealing with a song that talks about the Beit Hamikdash in its state of destruction, we will bring up a few questions: Do we really ‘care’ about Beit Hamikdash? Why should we really care and what does Beit Hamikdash actually mean and represent.

Ages: 14-179910 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 1-5010759 viewsView DetailsView

Peoula Sur Le Horban

Faire comprendre aux Hanihim pourquoi le 2e Beth Hamikdash a été detruit .

Ages: 9-137957 viewsView DetailsView

The Churban Of Beit Ha'mikdash

O     החניך ידע מהי סיבת חורבן הבית.

O     החניך יכיר כמה ירושלים יקרה לנו מתוך מנהגי האבלות ומרכזיותו של תשעה באב בעולם היהודי.

O     החניך ירצה בעז"ה להיות שותף לקירוב בניין בית המקדש ע"י הוספת אהבת חינם.

Ages: 6-1022691 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-169045 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 10-5014319 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit

Tishaa Be'av Skit

מטרה: להראות לחניכים מה אנו מפסידים בלי בית המקדש, ולמה זה שאין בית מקדש אמור להפריע לנו.

וכמובן- שבית המקדש הוא העיקר שלנו.

Ages: 8-125568 viewsView DetailsView

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Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
ICMIS is launching an international campaign to gather at least 1,000,000 signatures on an Internet petition in support of Israel's kidnapped and missing soldiers and their families.