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The Importance Of Am Yisrael In Eretz Yisrael

To learn that each one of us is a part in a whole body that includes Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. (And our goal is to keep the Torah)

To understand that if we don’t have any part of Am Yisrael or Eretz Yisrael then it’s as if we are missing a part of our own body.

Ages: 8-124504 viewsView DetailsView

The Religious Chalutz


To define the religious chalutz by:

1.   placing him into the context of  the groups present in pre-State Israel and

2.   presenting the balance of being religious and building the Land, which the religious chalutzim maintained.

Ages: 14-172895 viewsView DetailsView

To Be An Israeli

Show the chanachim different sides in the Israeli character.Have them understand that being Israeli is very different and a betetr life style.

Ages: 10-152468 viewsView DetailsView

Torah Va’avodah In Eretz Yisrael

¨ To understand the difference between Galut and Geulah.

¨ To help the Chanichim understand what living in Israel means according to our ideology.

¨ To make sure the Chanichim believe the Derech of Torah Ve’Avodah is correct.

¨ To help the Chanichim feel confidant and proud of the Bnei Akiva ideology.

Ages: 15-185352 viewsView DetailsView


To teach the chanachim that the source of “tzionut” in Hebrew literally is “tzion” – one of the names of Yerushalyim. Tzionut is a longing for Yerushalyim.  But that is not how we have come to understand it.  We understand it as a love of

Israel, (Yerushalyim included in that) encompassing that of both modern day Midinat

Israel and of the “Old”


Ages: 8-152542 viewsView DetailsView

Tzionut Class #1-tsfat

Emphasizing 2 of the more prosperous eras of the city, the 16th century and the capture of the city in

Israel’s war of independence.

Ages: 12-155523 viewsView DetailsView

Whats In A Flag?

The chanichim will understand the why it is important to have a flag.The chanichim will know that what’s behind what eyes can see is more important

Ages: 12-132413 viewsView DetailsView

Why Do We Need A Homeland

As we all know, having been involved in Bnei Akiva, there are many good reasons for believing in the State of Israel and for making Aliyah.  These games demonstrate one of the historical reasons for Zionism: the need for a homeland for the Jewish people.

Ages: 6-122749 viewsView DetailsView

Why Do We Need A Homeland?

To  demonstrate the historical meaning for zionism

Ages: 4-62194 viewsView DetailsView

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