Age: 10-194026 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Age: 10-191752 vuesView DetailsAffichage
page de source

In What Sense Is Purim Different Than Other D...

Ami: There is something I don’t understand about Purim. It’s so different than any other Chag. In all our festivals, we feel the spirituality in the air, mainly because certain secular actions are prohibited. But on Purim – nothing is prohibited. Some people even go to work on Purim. If there is no work prohibition prohibited on Purim – what makes it different than any other day?”

Age: 15-207270 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

The Churban Of Beit Ha'mikdash

O     החניך ידע מהי סיבת חורבן הבית.

O     החניך יכיר כמה ירושלים יקרה לנו מתוך מנהגי האבלות ומרכזיותו של תשעה באב בעולם היהודי.

O     החניך ירצה בעז"ה להיות שותף לקירוב בניין בית המקדש ע"י הוספת אהבת חינם.

Age: 6-1022706 vuesView DetailsAffichage

Jeu Sur Les Brahot

jeu sur les brachot (cf peula sur les brachot)

Age: 8-123200 vuesView DetailsAffichage


Liens recommandés

Israeli Sprouts
Israeli Sprouts
the site includes information about Israeli scouts, a variety of activities including for trips, pictures from Israeli scouts and more.
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
סרט לזיכרו של רחבעם זאבי
The library
The library
A great website with stories & pics that you can use to teach Hebrew
Games from all Kinds- for a group, fun or competition
Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat
Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat
couloring pages and things for children for tu Bishvat