1 March, 1806 (11 Adar, 5566): Chaim Joseph David Azulai-yertziet
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Tel Hai
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Joseph Trumpeldor
4 March, 1987 (3 Adar, 5747): Jonathan Pollard-court case
5 March, 1946 (11 Adar, 5706): Birya affair
6 March, 1929 (24 Adar, 5689): Bnei Akiva was established by Yechiel Eliash in Jerusalem
9 March, 1895 (13 Adar, 5655): Moshe Feinstein-yertziet
9 March, 1982 (14 Adar, 5742): Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook-yertziet
10 March, 1998 (12 Adar, 5758): Rav Hayim David HaLevi-yertziet
10 March, 1949 (9 Adar, 5709): Flying of the ink flag
11 March, 1787 (21 Adar, 5547): Elimelech of Lizhensk-yertziet
22 March, 1885 (6 Nissan, 5745): Aryeh Levin-born
26 March, 1978 (27 Adar, 5739): The Israel-Egypt peace treaty was signed

Screaming Messages
TYPE: Active
Divide the players into two teams, and each team into two parts. Each part of a team stands in opposite corners (see diagram). Each 1/2 team is given two messages to shout to its other half. At the signal both teams begin to shout their messages. The first team to relay all of its messages to the other half of its team wins.
Hint: Try to make up messages that have repetitive sounds (i.e. Mickey Mouse is a louse).
Age: 10-18 | 2443 vues | ![]() |

The War Against The Jews
Aims OF Peula:
· For the chanichim to have a better and clearer picture of the history of the Holocaust.
· For them to realise that ALL Jews were persecuted regardless of what country they were in during the Second World War occupation.
· To see that Nazi Germany made special laws against the Jews.
Age: 8-18 | 8760 vues | ![]() |

A Land Of Honey & Milk?
מטרה- שהחניך יבין מדוע א"י היא ארץ זבת חלב ודבש והייחוד בשבעת המינים.
Age: 6-12 | 9597 vues | ![]() |

L'hymne A L 'alya
Age: 10-18 | 5032 vues | ![]() |

Age: 10-18 | 3346 vues | ![]() |
Liens recommandés
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
games for madrichim
All kinds of activities, iformation and pictures of all the Chagim and other related subjects