1 March, 1806 (11 Adar, 5566): Chaim Joseph David Azulai-yertziet
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Tel Hai
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Joseph Trumpeldor
4 March, 1987 (3 Adar, 5747): Jonathan Pollard-court case
5 March, 1946 (11 Adar, 5706): Birya affair
6 March, 1929 (24 Adar, 5689): Bnei Akiva was established by Yechiel Eliash in Jerusalem
9 March, 1895 (13 Adar, 5655): Moshe Feinstein-yertziet
9 March, 1982 (14 Adar, 5742): Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook-yertziet
10 March, 1998 (12 Adar, 5758): Rav Hayim David HaLevi-yertziet
10 March, 1949 (9 Adar, 5709): Flying of the ink flag
11 March, 1787 (21 Adar, 5547): Elimelech of Lizhensk-yertziet
22 March, 1885 (6 Nissan, 5745): Aryeh Levin-born
26 March, 1978 (27 Adar, 5739): The Israel-Egypt peace treaty was signed

Age: 10-18 | 3481 vues | ![]() |

Gush Katif- Unity
מטרה ומסר-להבהיר שלמרות ההבדלים המאוד חשובים בנינו אנחנו חייבים להמשיך לעבוד ביחד ולהישאר עם\מגזר\סניף\ישוב אחד.
Age: 14-24 | 4239 vues | ![]() |

Age: 12-100 | 6252 vues | ![]() |
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