peoula (activite)
Age: 10-187777 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Article court
Age: 1-505057 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

All Together Now- Arba Minim

Goals: To teach the chanichim that

1. Every person has something special and different to contribute to the Klal.

2. Achdut means bringing different people together for a common goal.

3. This is the message of the Arba Minim

Age: 10-1432767 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Age: 10-182235 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Age: 1-10016905 vuesView DetailsAffichage


Liens recommandés

OU- life cicle
OU- life cicle
Links to sites about each holiday.
The Judaism site
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar
Minhal-Tu Bishvat Seder
Minhal-Tu Bishvat Seder
A full Tu Bishvat Seder
Roim Et Hakolot - Seeing the sounds
Roim Et Hakolot - Seeing the sounds
Teaching Bar Mitzva Torah reading and Drasha, also good for Bat Mitzva Drasha